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New breeds I'm working on

Date Posted: 13th Dec 2008 at 3:30 PM

I've finally had a few days to relax, so I'm finalizing some new breeds to upload. I'll be submitting my Flat-coated Retriever sometime today. Funnily enough, this was almost the breed of dog I got before my mum said "no big dogs", so we got a Brittany instead. Yesterday I made a Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff), and though most people haven't heard of the breed some of you may recognize it as the canine star of the movie "Turner & Hooch". I'm not sure if I'll post it, it's still not feeling "right". I'm also thinking of doing a pack of the Japanese spitz breeds.
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Some thoughts on breed type in dogs/potential new uploads

Date Posted: 11th Dec 2008 at 3:59 PM

For me, the elusive quality known as "type" to dog people is one of the most important things in my creations. So, what is type? I like to think of it as the way the breeds distinctive features (e.g. a Boxer's head and its lean but muscular build) combine and complement each other. Proportions also play a key role in type. I'm what people call an "armchair dog show judge", I know the breeds, I know the standards and I have a natural "eye" for type, but I'm certainly not a professional. My "eye" is what prevents me from making exaggeratedly "cute" dogs with big eyes and paws. Something in my subconscious yells "no! Don't do it! It looks nothing like [insert breed name here]!". It may have the right colours, the right head and the right body, but if they don't mesh well with each other, then you'll end up with something that is recognizable as the breed, but misses the entire point.

Anywho, enough rambling. I've got quite a few breeds in the works. I'm thinking of posting a three-pack of the Dutch Shepherd Dogs. A better Boxer might also be interesting to work on.
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