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Date Posted: 5th Jan 2009 at 10:37 AM


Well, Ive stopped using Maya for anything but work as its just too much to mess with for playing around in the evening with meshes

Wings3D seems much better for me although I do like 3D Studio max.

As for the football kits Ive managed 5 so far

Manchester United (I live here)
Blackburn Rovers (I support them)
Arsenal (I like the new kit lol)
Chelsea (They just popped up on a search)
England (....say no more)

And also a Liverpool top that works as a casual not a kit

Also meshing some bedroom furniture at the moment which has me stuck at texturing - Im useless at it >.<

Would love someone else to help me that doesnt mesh but is a texturing freak :D


Well, when I was messing about making something over the Xmas period it came to my attention that Maxis shelled out a crap load of cash and used Maya autodesk to actually mesh the Sims2

Being a dumb arse on new years eve (drunk) I decided to rape my credit card and purchased same said software >.<

To my suprise there is ZERO tutorials on Maya on the net and no bugger except Maxis appear to use it rofl

If your thinking about buying it OMFG dont! Unless you have another use for it (Im a chemical engineer and found it useful for drawing 3D images of compounds etc so not a waste of money)

Anyway....I guess Im supposed to put here what Im doing now/next/tomorrow etc

Currently considering supplying pre-made lots that are landscaped already and have a nice little space for your houses and also football kits lol

Thats if I can ever get the shading right on the shorts!

(When I say football I mean FOOTBALL not that American thing where they think Rugby is played while wearing more armour than one of the Knights of the round table and then renaming it to football, strange people)

Anyone want a particular kit? mail me

Anyway thats it just wanted to add to this journal thing really
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