
Date Posted: 17th Dec 2010 at 3:39 AM

Newest projects on the way soon:
~Careers for KH (heartless and keybearer)
~Major/career unversed themed
~Vanitas sim (includes custom eyes, recolor of sora's hair to fit Vanitas, mask part for face, hair convert for Adult, outfit (skirty thing will be separate mesh for realism 8D), eye shadow, sim itself...you get the point by now XD)
~Xemnas final form outfit (may include my redoes of original Xemnas hair mesh converted to teen and child as well)
~New Kingdom Hearts eyes (I have been studying the games closely and I think I can make some that will be very close~ They will be first made character specific then I will make a base set, color suggestions/requests are okay :P)
~ Requested careers/majors
~Kingdom hearts related walls and floors, possibly objects when I get the chance.
Comments 2

Date Posted: 9th Apr 2010 at 8:05 PM

Look for some new majors and careers to be comming soon (not all will be Kingdom Hearts related 8D)
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Updates again

Date Posted: 12th Mar 2010 at 3:28 AM

Requests and other projects are going to be moving slowly for a bit but I'll still take requests. School comsumes most of my time now, but I still want to make stuff for the sims 2.
I will do Careers (all types) and Majors for people :D
PM me with your request
NOTE: I have the right to refuse any request when I feel like it is nessesary
NOTE II: Things take time. Please don't spam me out DX
NOTE III: Career uniforms do need the original makers permision to use. Sorry it's the rule.
Some things I'll need to know:
~Name of the Career/Major
~ If it is related to a movie/video game/etc I need to know which one so I can get it accurate
~Any special things you would like me to know (ie special carpool to work, otherwise I'll chose one I see fit for each level)
~Number of levels you want in career, no less than three levels and no more than 15 levels (CAREER ONLY!!! Majors are predetrmined with levels)
~What Career/Major you want it to based on (if none is specified I will choose)
~ If you want a Career and Major made for the topic

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Date Posted: 27th Dec 2009 at 5:16 PM

My sims 2 game is fixed so everything is on again.
Requests are welcome
My careers/majors are in progress so expect a few more to be posted soon.
Got photoshop! And it's awesome. I may do some recoloring etc. so look for that soon too :3

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Date Posted: 8th Dec 2009 at 12:57 AM

My sims 2 game is BROKE! ALL PROJECTS ARE ON HOLD! Thanks~
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Date Posted: 6th Nov 2009 at 5:34 PM

Okay here we go:

Project hearts:

Nobody teen/elder career= 33% complete
Heartless career= like 2%
Keyblade master/ keyblader career= 2%
teen/elder career (heartless)=2%
Teen/elder career keyblader= 2%
Nobody themed Objects (namely a reward for my career)= 2%

(2% basicaly means I have made the package but not much has changed )

Emo/goth Tee-shirt thingy= 10%
(need to adapt meshes )

I may try to make some Kingdom Hearts style hairs but I need more practice doing that stuff...

Requests= open
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Date Posted: 17th Oct 2009 at 1:19 AM

So I decided to do a whole ton of Kingdom Hearts related Majors/Careers (and content) and made it into a project! I'm now interested taking requests for new majors/careers or other content to make as part of this project! It's called Project Hearts for obvious reasons lol.

I was also wondering if anyone wanted to participate in this project with me! It's for Kingdom Hearts related content of all kinds so if can please participate

(NOTE: I'm doing careers and majors but if you want to do other content for it please do :3)

If you would like to participate with me in Project Hearts (I would love that!) Just PM me and I'll add you to a list of participators! If you have some content already that you would like to include in the project let me know

Also if you choose to participate please PM a link to your work, I wanna see it and post the link on this page for all to see

Members of Project Hearts:
Zexion577568 (Owner)
Content by Zexion577568: Nobody Major
Nobody Career
Heartless Major
more majors/careers coming soon
Kingdom Hearts Neighborhood coming soon
Castle Oblivion
Mood: Luff
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Updates and upcomming uploads (hopefully)

Date Posted: 9th Oct 2009 at 3:12 AM

What's up people!? Just wanted to post my latest projects in the making for all to see...just don't steal my ideas OKay?

So far i have these in mind:
Organization 13 career= DONE!
Organization 13 teen/elder career= in progress
Other Kingdom Hearts Related Careers/ Majors: Starting on these after making Nobody teen/elder
yu-gi-oh characters= possible starting soon! Hair is hard though :p
Zexion's Lexicon (both holdable and decorative)= in the making...having some issues with it. Meshing is hard lol

That's all for now...more coming soon
Mood: Luff
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