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Mad Poster
#26 Old 15th Dec 2009 at 3:22 AM
Again, HOW THE FUCK did you manage to get the virus off MTS!? I'm not really an -old- member, but I know well enough that you can't get a virus off of MTS. I want you to PROVE that you got the virus off of here. I'll wait RIGHT here while you do it.

Also, this "Have you ever been cyberbullied" and "downloading causing unfortunate mishaps" bullshit needs to stop. We are not in the wrong. We are simply sticking up for a friend that you have -ever so kindly- ruined, and made her feel awful. You are in the wrong for accusing a well respected creator and caring friend for giving you a virus. I could download each of her creations and scan them if you want. I could even take screenshots of my antivirus too, if you want.

None of us are taking kind to your actions, and it seems that even Pescado is sort of on our side. ( :: I thought I'd never see the day. I must be dreaming or taking it wrong.)

By the way, changing your story now from "I deleted the file, and guess what? It went away!" to "Oh, it didn't go away, it was a critical virus."? Stick to one story if you're trying to prove us wrong.

By the way, I completely agree with Brendon on the questions in the Yes or No game. I'm not a Teen Club member anymore, but I still read the threads. I'm starting to hate you by your posts, your egotistical attitude and for hurting a friend.

This allows me to see into the minds of people! That's right, I can actually see what they're thinking!
So long as what they're thinking is exactly what I think they're thinking.
Mad Poster
#27 Old 15th Dec 2009 at 3:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by 403880
If you don't have somthing nice to say a reccomend you don't say anything at all, shurly your parents tought you this, didn't they?

(Sorry for the double post)

You changed the topic, did you? Obviously YOU didn't learn this, did you? Learn it before you PM ANYONE again.

This allows me to see into the minds of people! That's right, I can actually see what they're thinking!
So long as what they're thinking is exactly what I think they're thinking.
#28 Old 15th Dec 2009 at 5:24 AM
She changed the entire description of the thread. At first it was

Quote: Originally posted by 403880
What do you think of me?

or something like that, now it's

Quote: Originally posted by 403880
What do you like about me?
If you don't have somthing nice to say a reccomend you don't say anything at all, shurly your parents tought you this, didn't they?

And if you dare try to point the finger of blame, I have something you never heard of, called PROOF! I quoted the old one, and the new one is up there and anyone who isnt blind can see the new one.

Warrior Gryphon
site owner
#29 Old 15th Dec 2009 at 9:10 AM
MTS doesn't have viruses on it. Period. If you think it does you need to go play in traffic.

I really don't think that posting on an internet forum where you have slandered other peoples names and reputations, asking for peoples opinions of *you* is a good use of this sites resources, do you?

Thread locked for being self-centred and narcissistic.

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
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