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Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1 Old 17th May 2009 at 9:03 AM
Default Show off your 1st mesh!
So, time to humble most of us! Show off your very 1st model you ever made (or at least the earliest you still have). here's the earliest I have:

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#2 Old 17th May 2009 at 12:04 PM
Don't make me this!!!

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 17th May 2009 at 12:33 PM
aww, come on, it's actually not all that bad. :P

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#4 Old 17th May 2009 at 12:37 PM
You can't console me... it's awful!!

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Zombie Socks
#5 Old 17th May 2009 at 9:59 PM
Psssshh. That's fine! Mine was really lame. I'm still fond of the textures though. *shame*

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
Forum Resident
#6 Old 17th May 2009 at 11:27 PM
Geez, I was expecting some really terrible meshes from the title of the thread, but these aren't that bad! My first mesh was actually the Homey Touches Bed mesh...

It turned out alright, but if I had it to do over again, knowing all I know now, I definitely would. I didn't know a thing about picking objects to clone (wouldn't you know, I picked the only bed they tell you NOT to clone), and nothing about retaining animations so the covers don't pull back like they're supposed to, and I didn't know enough to save the mesh as individual groups, so it's all one big mess of vertices and faces in one group. Oh, and poly count? What's that? Normals? Say what now? Smoothing groups? Are you talkin' Greek?!

Boy, how far we've come, huh?
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#7 Old 18th May 2009 at 12:44 AM
Yeah, notice my normals errors in my mesh?

I agree, I mean, look at my new boos compared with the old ones. :D

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#8 Old 18th May 2009 at 9:06 AM

I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#9 Old 18th May 2009 at 12:19 PM
Kill me please!!!! If you don't do it, I will!!!

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
#10 Old 18th May 2009 at 12:44 PM
OK... *sets up bonfire* hmmm one more touch *puts blood marshmallows around the bonfire* Perfect! Now Nina jump in when you're ready! It's all newly petrolled. Tell me when you're ready and I'll drop this match I found onto the petroll!
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#11 Old 18th May 2009 at 12:55 PM
*Jumps* AAWWW!!! It burns!!!

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Zombie Socks
#12 Old 18th May 2009 at 4:46 PM

*roasts marshmallows on Nina's flaming hair*

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#13 Old 18th May 2009 at 10:56 PM
NOOO!! My hair!!!

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Zombie Socks
#14 Old 18th May 2009 at 11:28 PM

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#15 Old 19th May 2009 at 6:35 AM
It's tanned!!! :o

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#16 Old 20th May 2009 at 1:10 PM
Wow, a tanned vampire burning in a bon-fire, you dn't see that everyday.
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#17 Old 20th May 2009 at 1:52 PM
No tanned!!! NOOOO!!! I'm pale!!! My skin!!!

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Zombie Socks
#18 Old 20th May 2009 at 4:34 PM
That's okay! I have enough lack of pigment for the both of us!

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#19 Old 20th May 2009 at 4:39 PM
Me too... all my pigments are in my moles

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#20 Old 20th May 2009 at 8:01 PM

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#21 Old 21st May 2009 at 10:17 AM
aww, am I the only tanned one? I'm actually whiter than you Nina... I saw your picture, my real skin colour is whiter than edward cullen's!!! .. But I can tan and sometime I go really brown teehee! Once when I was living in France (I speak fluent French) I went to Bali for like 4 weeks for a holiday and I came back looking like erm... an oak tree But that tan disappeared because it was winter in France so I went back to a vampire
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#22 Old 22nd May 2009 at 3:22 AM
Tanning fail?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#23 Old 22nd May 2009 at 9:08 AM
no, I can tan easily, now I live in Australia and I'm a nice tan (good tan) all year, I go slightly whiter in winter though.
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#24 Old 22nd May 2009 at 12:59 PM
I can't tan! When the sun touchs me, it burns me (I'm serious) and when the burn leave, I'm again white

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Zombie Socks
#25 Old 23rd May 2009 at 5:00 PM
I don't tan. I freckle. :P

Nintendork Island | Please call me WWW!| Despite what avatar says, loves all of mts <3
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