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#1 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 8:45 PM
Default Manly Man Topic: SHAVING

*Cue Manly Man Topic Filler Here... Manly Man Topic Filler? Helloooo~? Topic Filler...?*

Stupid Filler always misses his lines... *sigh*

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#2 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 9:05 PM
I just started... If you see red stuff, don't continue in that area
Mad Poster
#3 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 11:39 PM
Isn't that what shaving cream is for?
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 8th Jun 2009 at 11:48 PM
Shaving is fun. ^.^ Makes my FACE feel soft.

Hurr Durr, Derpity Derp Derp.

Due to the disturbing amount of children on cycles being run over in the streets of Riverview and Sunset Valley, it has been deemed necessary by the town councils to impose a national speed limit.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 12:11 AM
i'm so lazy about shaving. i only shave about once every other day or so. I usually look a bit scruffy.

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The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#6 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 1:27 AM
*rubs face*

I'm hairless, except,

*uses mothers razor to shave off tiny mustach*

YES, I is a Nintendork!
I'm not a morning person. or an afternoon person. Acutally, im not an "anytime of the day" person.
Mad Poster
#7 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 1:52 AM
eh, don't worry, eventually it'll fill out. Just be sure to keep shaving the creeper mustache.

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

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The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 1:57 AM
I hate shaving It's too time consuming. And this morning I realised I ran out of shaving foam and had to do it dry!! it stang like hell, and cut my poor face to shreds

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Mad Poster
#9 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 1:58 AM
*is happy is smooth-faced*
#10 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 2:11 AM
*rubs face*
No hair.

*chews on comb*

YES, I is a Nintendork!
I'm not a morning person. or an afternoon person. Acutally, im not an "anytime of the day" person.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 2:34 AM
We can't have facial hair at my school, so i frequently was told i needed to shave. It was really only scruff, but being a catholic school we all have to look like perfect little cloned angels.

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

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The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#12 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 2:37 AM
That sucks Thank god for public schools.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 3:47 AM
Well, i have seen some rather creeper-ish people with really bad facial hair at Publics...

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

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The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#14 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 5:42 AM
I don't mind it except for my chin and neck. It irritates my throat when I like look down. Also, shaving my chin takes forever, I never get it all -_-. Stupido puberty.

~~~The Official Nintendork Island~~~
"I cannot love you like this anymore..... Alejandro"
Mad Poster
#15 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:12 AM
It irritates your throat when you look down? how?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

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The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#16 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:14 AM
It scratches his throat. (at least here we don't have to wonder about peoples genders... except for Shiny Guns')
Mad Poster
#17 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:27 AM
That's weird. He must be looking really far down. My scruff never bothers me like that.

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#18 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:28 AM
I wouldn't know. Although I am starting to grow a little facial hair...
Mad Poster
#19 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:38 AM
mustache, right? The creeper 'stache.

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#20 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:39 AM
yep. I won't be growing a mustache though. they're creepy. IMO
Mad Poster
#21 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 10:40 AM

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#22 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 11:00 AM
My girlfriend forces me to shave like twice a day... It's sooo boring..
Mad Poster
#23 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 11:07 AM
Why twice?
Mad Poster
#24 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 11:15 AM
yeah, why twice?

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
#25 Old 9th Jun 2009 at 11:36 AM
I dunno. She doesn't like my face being all fuzzy when she rubs her face against it
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