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Short name: TXTR
Long name: Texture image
7BITSTR		block name		; "cImageData"
DWORD 		block ID		; 0x1c4a276c
DWORD 		block version		; 7,8 or 9

REF		reference: load a cSGResource here

DWORD 		texture width
DWORD 		texture height
DWORD 		format code 		; see Table 1 below

DWORD 		mipmapLevels
FLOAT 		Purpose			; 1(Object),2(Outfit) OR 3(Interface)

DWORD 		outerloopCount
DWORD 		unknown			; always 0

IF (block version = 9)
  7BITSTR	filename repeat		; Repeat Filename without "_txtr"

LOOP					; repeat "outerloopCount" times
; IF (version = (7 or 8))
; innerloopCount=mipmapCount		; innerLoopCount = mipmapcount when version is 7 or 8

  IF (version = 9)
	DWORD 	innerloopCount

  LOOP 					; repeat "innerloopCount" times
	BYTE 	dataType (0=image,1=useLIFO)

	IF (dataType = 0)
	  DWORD 	imagedata size
	  PRIOR	data

	IF (dataType = 1)
	  7BITSTR	lifoName		; name of a LIFO file

  IF (version = 7)
	DWORD creator ID(0xFF000000) (unused)

  IF (version = (8 or 9))
	DWORD 	creatorID		; when creating a TXTR put a 0xffffffff here when uploaded
					; to TheSims2 it will be changed to a unique number to 
					; track creator
	DWORD 	Format Flag 		; 0x14210000 (As in Maxis S3D's)

MIP maps are stored smallest to largest and generally start with a 1x1 image and can be

put into a DDS container. Some TXTR files do not offer MIP maps.

Image data The size is based on the image format. If this is a MIP, read the data size from the header and figure out the correct

dimensions, they will be proportional to the width/height found in the TXTR header. See the Image format codes for the data size per pixel formula.

Image format codes

1=Raw A8 R8 G8 B8, total data size = width*height*4
2=Raw R8 G8 B8, total data size = width*height*3
3=8bit Alpha
4=DXT1 RGB (no alpha bit) total data size = width*height/2
5=DXT3 ARGB, total data size = width*height
6=Raw Grayscale, total data size = width*height