- Unlocked Patient Outfit: kirkwoodproductions at MTS
- Unlocked Scrubs: kirkwoodproductions at MTS
- Toe Tag Accessory by necrodog
- New Willow Creek Hospital by Mondrosen
- St Pupper Animal Hospital - 30x20 Vet Clinic by Mondrosen
- Bleu Vet Clinic by Alawen
- Banana's Vet Clinic by mamba_black
- Willow Creek Hospital by Havem
- The Veterinarian's Office by Synathora
- Mt Olympaws Vet Clinic by Astonneil
- Mini Vet Clinic by iSandor
- General Hospital Build by arcadialight
- Landgraab Dentistry by 1gboman
- La Clinica - Your local village clinic! by Samaramon
- Decorative Ambulances:
- Decorative Hospital Wall Clutter: crackfox at MTS
- Lab Goodies by necrodog
- Brain Swap Machines by necrodog
- Morgue Corpse Pose and guts tattoo for your morgue. by necrodog
- Embalming and autopsy instruments by necrodog
- Simcity 4 Morgue set. by necrodog
- More Staff at Hospital: An_dz at MTS