5. Ack! It's still not working!!!
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Things to ask yourself.
- Have I enabled custom content? Once you install Night Life, custom content is automatically disabled.

How do I enable custom content in Night Life?

- Is it unpacked properly? Open the Downloads folder. Are all your downloads .package files? Others don't belong in there.

- Is it subfoldered? If you don't have Night Life, clothes, make up, accessories or hair will not work if it's in a subfolders. So open up your Downloads folder and check if there's folders in there.

What can and can't I do with my downloads folder?

- Do you have CEP? You'll find recolours for objects here that have no recolours in the original game. To get those to show up you need to have the CEP file in your Downloads folder.

Allrighty, where do I get CEP?

You'll need to extract the zipfile and put the package in your downloads folder.

- Do you have the meshes? You'll find objects and clothes that have a different shape than the maxis originals (not just a different colour). These different shapes can be recoloured as well. If you find a recolour of a new mesh, you'll need the mesh for it to work. To find the mesh, read the post carefully. Creators usually say what files you need for the download to work. Also take a good look at the 'meshes required' box.

Here you'll find links to the meshes you need. Make sure you download and install them too.

What kind of animal is this 'mesh' you keep talking about?

Nope, I'm still lost. Got any more ideas?

If you're still having trouble, try this page for a big checklist of things that can go wrong.
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