Warrick and Evalina Part 1
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What started off as a few days stay at Warricks turned into months. Evalina enjoyed being with him and the girls, she said they made her feel like part of the family. She was done with the partying and sick to death of her superficial friends.

Like I told you earlier, Evalina is very generous. She loved spoiling the girls and taking them shopping for clothes or to the movies.
They were very fond of HER too.

For someone who was very well known and wealthy she was very natural. No airs and graces and plenty of fun. She always had time for Brionne and Bethany. She loved the affection she received from Beth and the little stories Brionne would tell her that she would never say in front of her Dad.

and Her and Warrick were the best of mates despite the age difference.
Well she decided she better find herself a place soon before she grew roots!

Something was stopping her though, as she sat up one night thinking. What was it?
And then it came to her.

( yes I know you can all see this coming but I did warn you I wasn’t a ‘writer’ lol )

It was quite late and everyone was asleep of course. She walked quietly into Warrick’s room, in her underwear. ‘Are you awake?’ she whispered.
He sat up and blinked. ‘I am now’ he mumbled. ‘What’s wrong, are the kids Ok?
‘Yeh they’re fine’ she didn’t know how to start. ‘I just wanted to…um’
‘Oh screw it’, she thought to herself. ‘Action speaks louder than words.’

The following morning was a little awkward.

Warrick made small talk with her and went to work as usual leaving Evalina feeling a little empty and disappointed.
Had she read the signs wrong? Did he think it was just a one-off.
He didn’t think that was usual behavior from her did he? She thought angrily.
Evalina tried to clear her mind.
She needed a distraction.

Grabbing a magazine she sat down and flicked thought it…not working. ‘Maybe I’ll go for a run’
It wasn’t long before she called and invited me over, where she told me the whole thing. I wasn’t surprised at her feelings for Warrick, at least not as much as she was.
I didn’t offer Evalina any advice, this was something she needed to sort through with Warrick on her own. I just listened. But I did ask her to let me know how it goes when he get’s home…..

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