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Franz had barely talked to Reggie since their physical altercation. Franz of course, hardly talked in the first place, but the atmosphere around them gave Reggie distinct vibes that Franz was still somewhat pissed off at him. Reggie was still kind of pissed off at Franz too, on behalf of the pain lingering in his nose - but he knew he had been a dick to presume Franz was the guy Alanna had moved on to. Nobody noticed Franz in that way.

They moved their equipment into the theater in silence. Reggie was to play on an electronic keyboard provided at the venue since he couldn’t bring his own baby grand, but the theater did not have a spare double bass so that was all on Franz to bring.

Evelyn Jane was lingering outside, claiming to be in shortly and Reggie couldn’t figure out the reason to why. She seemed reluctant to enter the theater altogether and it was very out of character for her, she who strode headlong into everything she was determined to take as hers.

Once they set up Franz’s bass backstage, and Evelyn Jane was still nowhere to be found, did the two boys return to the lobby area to see if she come in yet.

“Hi guys!” they both heard Alanna’s enthusiastic greeting from behind them.

Franz and Reggie whirled around to see her, though a very different version than they were used to. Instead of the modestly dressed young lady with a braid stood a drop-dead gorgeous young woman who looked like she could have been a pop diva.

Reggie might have stuttered but not said anything of consequence. Franz’s jaw fell open, but more at the fact she was there, “You came.”

“I told you I would!” Alanna smiled.

Though she was there rather early. Neither of the boys actually thought it was odd, their minds were too preoccupied with the present and how she was standing in front of them.

“Reggie, long time no see - I figured you’ve just been too busy practicing for the competition to call,” Alanna pointed her gaze at the mayor’s son and said. She seemed a bit disappointed in him and maybe it was just the case of he had waited too long to reach out after their cultured excursion.

Before Reggie could respond, Franz stepped forward suddenly, seeming to remember something, “Would you mind coming over to my house for dinner this week?”

“Oh,” Alanna seemed caught off-guard but ended up nodding and agreeing to dinner. Reggie felt himself bristle behind them, reminded of when he first tried to ask her out to dinner and yet was rejected. He glared at the back of Franz’s head, thinking him a dirty liar. He did like Alanna.

Alanna excused herself to the ladies room then and as soon as she was out of earshot, Reggie started voicing his anger.

“You told me nothing was going on between you two!”

“There isn’t. My mom saw her at the bakery and told me to invite her over,” Franz answered, seeming most bewildered at Reggie’s flare of anger. He thought they already established that there was no dating, feelings, or anything romantic of the sort between him and Alanna. Why was Reggie so quick to forget all that?

Evelyn Jane chose that moment to finally enter the building and stopped in front of her band mates, setting her violin case at her feet.

“Why are you fighting this time?” she sounded exasperated like she was dealing with children throwing tantrums.

Reggie ignored his sister’s inquiry and balled his fists, “Dinner sounds like something. Just admit you that you like her!”

“How many times do I have to tell you that It’s not like that!” Franz’s voice boomed across the entrance area, drawing the attention of anyone in the vicinity.

“Oh Plumbobs, her again?” Evelyn Jane’s brow plummeted into a frown, and she shoved her violin case into her brother’s arms, “Put that in the back for me, Reggie.”

She took a quick, almost paranoid glance around the lobby area and mumbled that she was going to the ladies room.

When she entered the washroom, she nearly jumped out of her skin. She didn’t usually scare so easily but figured no one else would have been in the bathroom before the show. Most of the bands consisted of guys.

There was a girl washing her hands at the sink and when she looked up, Evelyn could see Alanna’s reflection in the mirror.

She crossed her arms and frowned, “So you’re Alanna Thackery?" she gave Alanna a long look of appraisal before concluding there was nothing impressive about her, just like she remembered.

“Yes, and you’re Evelyn Jane Orbinson,” Alanna replied, glancing in the mirror to see the Mayor’s daughter just behind her.

Evelyn Jane’s brow arched and when she spoke her voice was filled with acid, “I advise you fix my band before I start a nasty rumor about you next year at school.”

“What do you mean?” Alanna looked taken aback and turned around to face her.

“Reggie and Franz are ready to tear each other apart over you, and it's causing discord,” Evelyn Jane rolled her eyes then narrowed them, “Why are you here so early and why are you dressed like that? It’s not your usual aesthetic.”

Alanna smiled and said pleasantly, “That’s none of your business.”

Evelyn Jane gave a look of disbelief, as if she couldn't imagine a girl like Alanna to start getting cheeky with her. She wiped her expression away and stood in Alanna’s way, preventing her from leaving without answers, “Wait, are you in one of the bands?”

“Yes, the same band you tried to sabotage by having Leona Hillenburg drop out,” Alanna suddenly lost the usual innocence her face otherwise portrayed and she stepped closer with a glare of accusation.

“So did you do this to my brother and Franz on purpose?” Evelyn Jane asked, seeming annoyed and yet impressed.

Alanna laughed demurely, “Honestly, I had no idea they were playing in a band with you. I guess I'm just a likable person and I don’t have to threaten or manipulate people into liking me as you do.”

“How dare you!” Evelyn Jane stepped forward threateningly.

“You can’t be mad about the truth!” Alanna growled, as she balled her fists and it was such a startling tone that it caused Evelyn Jane to take pause. Alanna seemed to pluck some invisible lint off her halter and added, “Besides, if you do anything to me now, you may as well kiss the competition goodbye. Reggie and Franz aren’t going to play for you once they know what you’ve done.”

“I guess I underestimated you, but the truth is cheap,” Evelyn Jane eased back but maintained vicious eye contact, “So name your price.”

“Are you bribing me?”

“What will it take for you to convince my brother and his friend that you had no real feelings toward them so they start to play nice together again?”

Alanna bit her lip to think and then met Evelyn Jane’s calculating emerald eyes, “Tell me if Leona really has a spot to sing at that Ball or not.”

Reggie and Franz were still at the entrance, apparently now shouting at each other. Anyone who knew of Franz was staring in shock at the rare sight of his anger manifesting itself into words. At least neither had thrown any blows yet despite Reggie's coiled fists. It didn’t matter what Franz would say, but it wouldn’t convince Reggie that he didn’t harbor feelings toward Alanna.

“This is my fault and I’m sorry,” Alanna’s voice cut through their argument.

Both boys turned in bewilderment to see her at the top of the stairs that led into the theater.

“What do you mean?” Reggie demanded to know.

“I…I am actually a singer for one of the bands playing tonight. I thought maybe I could turn you against each other and cause your band to break up.”

Reggie’s brow rose with astonishment before lowering once more; he wouldn't have expected such dishonest behavior from her but he had found out that there was a lot of things he didn't know about his old chemistry partner and he resigned himself to the fact he was surrounded by liars. Franz didn’t look angry at her admission but his face held a sort of puzzlement as he stared at her.

Alanna took advantage of the silence to continue explaining, “Anyway, now that you know, you shouldn’t fight with each other. It’s what I wanted, don’t let me tear your friendship apart,” she looked absolutely miserable as she said these words and never met either of their gazes.

Evelyn Jane appeared behind her and smiled in utmost smugness, “I got the truth out of her in the bathroom. I told her that I would tell you both if she didn’t come clean first. At least she has somewhat of a conscience left.”

Alanna turned and briskly, in embarrassment, and headed toward the Green Room without contesting the Mayor’s daughter.

They stood around in silence.

“Reggie, I thought I told you to put my instrument backstage,” Evelyn Jane finally chided, seeing her violin case laying at his feet. He picked it up and obeyed, following the path Alanna had taken a few minutes before.

“Franz, don’t dawdle,” Evelyn Jane turned toward the tall blond and advised. He gave a slight nod but seemed to hang back, still processing the news that Alanna had feigned interest in books the whole time to make him feel something other than indifference for her. She didn’t get to him as deeply as she did Reggie but it still hurt - to think he could have had another friend.

This is why he didn't get attached to people, and he had to learn this lesson yet again.

Evelyn Jane smiled in triumph and turned the corner to the hallway which led to the Green Room.

She stopped in her tracks and an involuntary shriek slipped past her lips as she saw the very person she had been trying to avoid since she had arrived, casually leaning against the wall in front of the entrance to the room. To anyone else, he wouldn’t have drawn any concern, after all he was a judge.

She stood there, seeming paralyzed with fear. This was not something she expected. Yes, she knew Shaun Piper would be in the vicinity but here they were, alone. The one situation she had feared and wanted to avoid.

“Hello Evie,” he greeted her with a smooth tenor she once would have thought attractive. Now she was utterly repulsed.

‘"What are you doing here?”

“I’m one of the judges, remember?” He straightened himself up and walked toward her with the appropriate amount of swagger for all the power he held over her.

He kept advancing until he was right next to her, and still her legs wouldn’t run. He leaned forward and only then did Evelyn Jane find the courage to move. She tried to evade him but he put his arm up to halt her escape and his other against the wall, effectively boxing her in.

“What do you want?” she tried to put as much bite and authority in her voice she could, to show him she wasn’t intimidated. Yet her back was pressed against the wall and she didn’t have the strength to move him if he didn’t want to be moved.

“To wish you good luck,” he smiled cruelly and closed the space between them.

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