Jacquet – Delarosa: Evelien looking for a father figure
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What happened before:
Florence Delarosa made her flower shop a successful business and found the love of her life with Addison Macarevich, Lucy’s ex-husband. He died not much after their wedding of flower poisoning.
Florence found solace in her friend Gilbert Jacquet from J’Adore Bakery. Even more than that: she found love again. Gilbert’s mother Denise insisted they get married soon and the child Florence was already pregnant with be raised as a Jacquet. They moved away from Bluewater Village to a bigger house in Pleasantview, where Florence started a new flower shop.
After the birth of little Evelien, they did not have to wait too long before little sister Anneleen was born. When Denise died, Gilbert sold the bakery and got a job as an athlete.

Household members
Gilbert and Florence Jacquet – Delarosa
Evelien & Anneleen Jacquet

Evelien is talking to Lucy at the Beare family’s place. She was invited there by Nele and Inge Beare, the 2 kids of the house who are more or less her age. Lucy is important to her, she and her son Guy are the only ones giving her answers about her father.

It was pretty clear that she and Guy were related. They had already noticed at school how much they looked alike. Guy also invited her to their family gatherings now and then. There were no secrets in that house: Guy knew Alexander was not his real father but nobody actually cared, he didn’t feel treated differently from his other siblings.

Gilbert, on the other hand, has always been quite cold to her. Yes, he used to feed her as a toddler when she was hungry. But he was not a loving father at all.

Not that he was such a loving and playful father for her sister Anneleen, but still, at least he smiled when he was holding her.

Not that she looked so much like him, but at least she was his biological child and she looked like his wife, not like a total stranger.

Her mom doesn’t like to tell too much about her biological father. Evelien got to know however that she was already dating him when he was still married to Lucy Burb. It was actually Lucy who told her. Not in a bitter way, in the end she was happy that they had both found love again.

As soon as her dad had divorced Lucy, he got married to her mom. It was a quite intimate wedding in the garden of her house in Bluewater Village, where she had her first flower shop. There were not many people from Pleasantview, except for Angela and her husband Jimmy. They were always the first to get to know new people and to attend weddings.

Sometimes Florence still tells her about her first flower shop now and then, about how she loved it but left it behind to move to a bigger place with her growing family. She does not go much into detail, for Evelien the picture is not clear. She imagines now and then what it must have looked like, not sure if it is even close to what it must have been in real life.

For her dad the house was a curse: he probably died of an allergic reaction caused by a certain type of flower in the shop. It was never clear what exactly happened, but at some point the Grim Reaper took him away right in front of the fence.

Gilbert was her friend at the time and came by to keep her company. One moment, they realized the attraction between them, even though they tried to fight it.

Evelien does not believe that Gilbert actually loved her mom, but that he felt the need to protect her as a friend. And his mother Denise was pushing him to get married anyway. Even though another one of his one-night-woohoo’s was still in the house when Florence arrived, he proposed to her.

They arranged it quite quick, without any wedding party. Denise wanted her son to give the child his name, to keep up appearances of course, so they had no time to wait. She was to only one there to see her son get married. They moved out soon after, out of Bluewater Village, to Pleasantview. Away from all these memories.

Evelien misses Denise a lot. She died when Evelien was still a little girl, but she has vague memories of her as a real grandmother. She suspects that Denise considered her more a grandchild than Gilbert considered her his daughter.

Not everything was bad. When she was a child, they had some fun parties in their big house.

Her mom also really loved her sister and her, she loved taking care of them when she was not working in her new flower shop. Even Evelien must admit that Florence looked happy here at the birthday party for Anneleen.

And Gilbert looked a little happier and less cold after he had sold his bakery (which was already practically closed all the time) and found a job in the athletics career. Maybe he was only a team mascot but at least he didn’t feel the pressure anymore to comply to his mother’s standards.

So maybe Evelien will find her way to have peace with her past and she will be able to enjoy a normal adolesence, she will enjoy all her “first times” with a boyfriend (will Jonathan Broke from this picture actually be the one, or will she prefer the more exotic Järi Ipsen?)

Or will things falls apart again? Her mom’s marriage seemed to have stabilized a little bit, she stayed with Gilbert no matter how much he cheated on her, also now that they are elders. But now he discovered her being too intimate with Alexander at a party at the Ipsen family. Saddest part: Lucy was there too.

Apparently the ties between the Goths and the Jacquets are even tighter than it seemed at first sight…

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