Tutorial - How to create a basic roof with different slope angles
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This is a quick tutorial describing how to set roof sections with differing slope angles. Basically it's the exact same technique as used in TS2, though it seems to be much more reliable in TS3, so if you've used it before in TS2 you shouldn't have any issues .

NOTE: The "adjust roof height" slider is a global change, it will adjust the WHOLE roof whenever you change the roof height so once you have all your roof sections at the desired angles you cannot change the height of individual sections. You have to demolish correct sections, adjust the ones you want and "undo" the demolish.

Each step has a corresponding screenshot with a basic explanation of what to do, I thought about linking them directly into the post but I decided not to as it started to clutter it up.

Step 01
Create your basic wall structure. For the purpose of this tutorial I've used two rooms with a one-square gap between them, with a wall divider above the gap to help illustrate the differing roof heights.

Step 02
Add the roof sections / styles as you desire. For the purpose of this tutorial I changed the colour of the roof wall sections to help illustrate the difference between the two sides once they are height adjusted.

Step 03
In this tutorial (see the screenshots) the left side of the roof is section 01 and the right is section 02. Adjust the height of roof section 01 to the desired level using the slider.

Step 04
Remove roof section 01, my prefered method is to hold Ctrl and left click while in the roofing tool but the Sledgehammer tool works just as well.. use whichever deleting method you feel comfortable with.

Step 05
Use the slider to adjust the height of the remaining roof section (Roof 02).

Step 06
Click the "Undo" button, this should replace the previously deleted section of roof (Roof 01). Since the roof height was low when the roof section was deleted, it is restored at that same reduced height and not the current roof height.

You should now have 2 roof sections at 2 different heights, the left being low and the right being high. As in the note at the top you cannot adjust the height of each section independantly, you have to remove the pieces you don't want to change and replace them (i.e. undo the delete(s)) once you've made the adjustments.

Step 07
Apply the same technique to an actual house. I've only experimented with two differing heights as described in the tutorial so I don't know how many different heights you can have use with larger houses, but I don't see why you couldn't have 3 or 4 or more so long as you start with a full roof then delete each piece once the height / angle is set and "undo" the deletes at the end.

As an example I made a basic house (similar to the structure in the tutorial screenshots) to hopefully show how it might look to have roof sections at different heights. The two side roofs are set high about to the level of the top of the wall, the top roof and the piece above the door both have a fairly low roof height.

Hopefully this all makes sense and is helpful to anyone wanting to have some fun with roofing, if I've made any glaring mistakes or errors please let me know
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