Ultimate Skeleton Clothe Pack V1.1 (Ready for Recolors)

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Welcome to my newest Creations and Improvements.

Befor Downloading... this Pack Requires the Skeleton Skin Pack!
You can find the Latest Skin Pack allways here http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=181263

New Strukture
I restruktured the complete Clothe Section for the Skeleton. As i found a Way to build Skeleton Clothe from one Part i stop now updating the old 2Part Skeleton Clothe Packages. The latest Version is still here for Download. The Files are MESH-drachis-complete-2Part-Set.zip and CLOTHE-drachis-complete-2Part-Set.zip
All new Meshes come as seperate Files. All Clothe that belong to a Mesh comes in a second File. To make the Files easyer to identify I use from now on following Form:
Meshes allways named "MESH-AgeGender-Skel-Meshtype.zip". The Clothe Package will always have the same Name as the MESH File that is needed. Only different the Clothepackages start witch CLOTHE instead of MESH in the Name. I hope this will help to identify the needed Files when you do Recolors.
All new Meshes will have the feature to stay in Shape even if your Skeleton become FAT.

Updated Meshes and Clothes
12-09-05 Adult Female PJ MESH (MESH-af-skel-bodyslip.zip)
12-09-05 2 Adult Female PJ Clothe (CLOTHE-af-skel-bodyslip.zip)
12-10-05 Teenage Female Formal MESH (MESH-tf-skel-formaltrumpet.zip)
12-10-05 2 Teenage Female Formal Clothe (CLOTHE-tf-skel-formaltrumpet.zip)
12-10-05 Adult Male PJ MESH (MESH-am-skel-pjama.zip)
12-10-05 Adult Male PJ Clothe (CLOTHE-am-skel-pjama.zip)

Any Recolore is welcome!
But please dont add the Meshes to your Recolor because the Complete Skin Pack is needed too. And the Skin Pack is still Under Construction. Please Link to this Thread for the Meshes (I will Update more Meshes in the Future here) and additional Refer please to here http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=181263 for the Latest Skeleton Skin Pack. Thank You.

What is more to say? Have a good time with my Skeletons
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