Alula (Amisha's sister) by request

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Alula's Letter by Martyk

Some time ago I was doing a visit to an old town in the dessert. It had been a pirate's town during years but before that a lot of people lived there happily. Pirates destroyed part of the town with a big fire and some citizens went away only with their clothes but others were made prisioner of the pirates. That was the case of Alula and Amisha. Two young and beautiful sisters that had to dance for the pirates.
During that visit the tourist guide show us a long letter where Alula let her life wrote before and during the pirate's invasion. That's what I'm going to tell you now.


My name's Alula which means first born. My parents called me like that because I was their first daughter. Later appeared Amisha my younger sister. For years we lived happily together. My mother stayed at home while my father sold camels. We were one of the richest families in the town.
We played with the other children in the oasis. My best friend was Hakem which means ruler or governor, he was named like that because his dad was the ruler of the town and one day he was going to be the ruler too. His family was the richest family in the town.
We grew up together and we knew each other very well, at first we were just friends but when we became adults, our feelings changed, but no one in the town knew anything about it.


Our houses were so near that we could talk from window to window. Everyday in the morning we talked behind the wall of our respective terrace.
We only talked there or in the town market. There we met one morning.


It was really hot and I was looking for some plants for the terrace, there was Hakem. We talked about normal things so no one could suspect anything. When I had to go back to home he took me behind a palm tree and asked me if I wanted to meet him that night in the oasis.
When we meet at half past twelve at night no one was seeing us, we were completely alone, only sorrounded by water and sand. That night was perfect all I can say is that I wanted it to last forever.


When I went back home Amisha was in the hall waiting for me. She told me that she heard me when I left home but she didn't say anything to our parents. I told her the truth about what I had been doing and she just smiled and told me that she already knew it. I looked her with fear, she started to laugh and told me that I didn't have to worry because since we were child everyone saw us as a perfect couple. I hughed her and with a big smile I went to sleep. The worst thing is that the happiness I felt in that moment didn't last too much.


One week later I woke up in the middle of the night. There was a lot of noise downstairs. Suddenly I heard a horrible scream. It was Amisha so I ran downstairs to see what was going on. I almost fainted when I saw the pirates inside our house. Everything was destroyed and our parents disappeared. The pirates took Amisha and me in front of their captain called John. My sister started to cry and I tried to calm her, the captain took her away from me and started to kiss her, I ran to his side and pushed him away from my sister. He slapped my face and threw me to the floor.
Suddenly Hakem appeared, he was only with only his underpant and when he saw me on the floor he started an argument with John.


They started to fight and in the middle of the fight someone shot Hakem. I cried with horror and ran near him, but John stopped me and took me away from Hakem. He laughed as he showed everyone how the town was burning.
Amisha hughed me as we both cried. My house was burning and Hakem was death, almost everything I loved was gone, only in Amisha's arms I could find peace that night.

The letter stopped there but I can tell you how the story ends.
After being prisioner of John during years Alula made a revenge plan, she was going to burn the palace where they lived. She couldn't stand her situation more, but she found that her sister was in love with John so she decided to change her plan and just escape from the palace.
The day she wanted to escape a fire started in her bedroom, she ran to the patio but fire was all around her. She heard Amisha's voice but she couldn't put out the fire.
Finally she died but her ashes were swept by the wind who took her soul to the oasis where once she lived happily. There was Hakem waiting for her...



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