Striped Tees for Adult Male
striped.jpg - width=786 height=317
More tees for adult males! Hooray!
Agian, These tops used fanseelamb's super-rad untucked shirt as a base, I think I owe that girl my soul now.
Here's is where reading the description is key! Ok, There are two different types of shirts, while the both look the same, the way the fit with certian pants will be a little different. - is for all the the 'untucked' and other types of pants. are specifically made for these meshes - they're slighty edited so they they don't do this

Thanks for downloading, and enjoy!
Uploaded: 5th Mar 2006, 375.4 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Mar 2006, 409.8 KB.
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by Señor Brainslug 5th Nov 2005 at 4:14am
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by toofresh 12th Dec 2006 at 8:52pm
I found that the underwear selection for Young Adults was lacking, so I decided to make a few pairs in more...
+1 packs
Male » Underwear » Young Adult