MIYAVI sim ;]
Miyavi2.jpg - width=520 height=450
Hey hey guys! ^.^ Another jrocker! Wow...I upload something once every five months! lol.

Well, my obsession with Gackt has now switched to Miyavi! ^^ dramatic change, huh? -.-' I'm thinking of Mana next...well, you won't know until another five months! >D lolz
Anyway, here are some things you need:
~Miyavi piercings by Myv Thanks so much!
~Seomi's hair mesh! (under hair/"007")
~Helaene (under genetics/eyes) ***I used one of her old genetic eyes and it doesn't seem to be there anymore :[ If you have it, great! but if not, then go ahead and download one of her eye sets, they work well with just about any sim ***
And the skin base is from louis! I just recolored it a little and put on the tattoos :]
Clothes and hair recolor by me.
Now...Picture time!

Whoo Miyavi collage!

**Do NOT upload on any other site! >< Do NOT claim that you made him!
Uploaded: 23rd Jun 2006, 7.06 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 7th Jul 2006 at 9:47 PM
by bo0mbastica 27th May 2005 at 10:33am
47 27.5k 2
by christianchickslc 30th May 2005 at 11:59pm
8 10.4k 1
by gigachanger 23rd Mar 2006 at 1:05am
9 21k 5
by Denna_Snape 30th Apr 2006 at 9:48am
16 24k
by awsomest 5th May 2006 at 1:44am
10 18.1k 6
by Trouble1234 3rd Jun 2006 at 2:00pm
9 15.6k 1
by Drache 8th Oct 2006 at 1:07pm
5 10k 3
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**** i...am SOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOORRRYYYY I didn't respond earlier this year ;___; I'll be glad to respon through pms if any! more...
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+1 packs
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About Me
*(other)You MAY recolor, As long as I am accounted for.
*do NOT find loop holes around these policies