Brian Molko - Version 2

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Hi there everyone,
Well, after I uploaded Brian I started seeing all the things that were still wrong with him, and came to the conclusion that he kinda sucked, lol. So I started Body Shop and started changing some stuff. I listened to your advice and it really helped me alot. So a big thank you to all who took the time to post something on my previous Brian-version thread. This time I'm really satisfied with him. This is my final version. I really hope this upload will be approved, 'cause I'm going on vacation later today for five weeks. I'll miss you guys! Anyway, since Brian likes to change his looks completely from time to time, I decided to make serveral versions of him. These are the versions:

Placebo and Without You I'm Nothing:

How to get this version:
- Download this hair by Sshodan and give it to him. (It’ll appear in the right colour bin)
- If you want the teary eyeliner, you can find it under full make up. It won’t remove the nose make up

Black Market Music:

How to get this version:
- Give him the Wind hair by Seomi, recolouring and alpha editing by me
- Download these eyeshadows by Helaene. You'll need the February one.
- Remove the blush (clearly labeled with a little picture of him)

Sleeping With Ghosts:

How to get this version:
- Give him my recolour of the Maxis mesh
- Give him the beautyspot which you can find under full face make up
- Give him the eyeshadow by me. (clearly labeled with a little picture of him)

Once More With Feeling:

The Brian in the Sims2Package is the OMWF one, but I've added additional downloads (each labeled clearly) with the required extra stuff.

Custom content:
Skintone by Oepu, recolour by
Eyes by Helaene, recolour by me
Hair by Debo Simtastic, recolour by me
(click on Download Black under the pic of Glam Mullet, then it will take you to FileFront, choose DownloadNow in large yellow writing, then choose a server. If the first one you choose doesn't work it's ok try another and another till it does, because it DOES)
Big thanks to Violet_Placebo, I wouldn’t have found this great mesh without her.

Eyebrows by Rensim, recolour and alpha editing by me
I've got explicit and personal permission to recolor and re-alpha the GQ Eyebrows for my Brian Molko Sim! Please subject my recolour to Rensim's Policy (no recoloring, do not upload in full sim packages on community websites).
Eyeshadow by Helaene
Lipstick by Rensim
Blush by Barcelonista, recolouring and alpha editing by me.
Full face make-up by me (nose)
Clothing: top part is by Lady M., her black suit, bottom part by me using Maxis’ texture.

I really hope you like him.

Enjoy! ^^ (and ummm... be nice to him :p)
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