Black Magic Paintings
Black Paintings.gif - width=800 height=390
Black Magic Close Up.gif - width=800 height=547
1) Because the background was Black, and
2) Cause’ Magic comes in different shapes and forms
They are Recolours of "Lady in the Red"
The Images are Lightning, Fireworks, Fire, Confetti, Candles, bubbles, red berries and Watermelon.
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Uploaded: 4th Jul 2006, 307.3 KB.
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#Lady in the red, #black, #magic, #Lightning, #Fireworks, #Fire, #Confetti, #Candles, #bubbles, #red berries, #Watermelon
by mooser75 27th Jul 2005 at 11:20pm
by maree464 3rd Oct 2005 at 7:41am
6 5k 1
by Mirjam 25th Jan 2006 at 10:31am
8 6.3k
by Sirella 20th Apr 2006 at 8:59pm
3 4.9k
Black and White Babe, recolor of the lady in red painting.
by XJonasX 26th Apr 2006 at 7:45pm
11 11.9k 5
by Sirella 11th May 2006 at 5:33pm
2 6.1k 3
by dragonfly 28th Sep 2007 at 7:30am
5.8k 1
Animals Painting Set >>From Request<<
by kittkatt 2nd Sep 2006 at 7:53pm
I have been on holiday for a while now so I am not able to make anything for the Sims, more...
6 17k 5