Goomba meal ! Yummy !
Goomba cuit.jpg - width=600 height=450
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Goomba casserole.jpg - width=600 height=450
Goomba servi.jpg - width=600 height=450
Among the edible species imported from, the Geek planet, the most popular are goombas. Although goombas cannot really be classified as mushrooms or as animals, and despite their natural agressivity, Geek aliens rarely hesitate before gobbling a goomba when they're served one. These creatures are easy to catch, since they only walk straight forward, too busy frowning to turn.
Goombas are served in a Piranha plant's head (which teeth were removed), with mashed baked turnips and a mushroom gravy.
Cloned from the salmon meal, thus available for dinner.
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Uploaded: 12th Sep 2006, 401.5 KB.
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