MESH BROKEN, SORRY!! -- The Harpy of Flame - With Intricate "Harpy - Phoenix" Retexture!

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Sorry guys! The mesh for the clothing was deleted! You can still get the sim at least, hope you can still enjoy this file.

Hello, everyone!
The moment I saw SavantInamorata's amazing Harpy mesh, being the bird fanatic that I am, I KNEW I had to retexture it.
So,Today I have for you a very special upload that I worked quite hard on...
The Harpy of Flame!

This legendary bird-like woman lives in the most humid and hot places she can find, and prefers rainforests and volcanoes as habitats in comparision to more practical places. Though no one knows much about this mysterious woman, she occasionally will swoop down to the dwellings of humans and meddle in their affairs as she sees fit.

Wise, fast and graceful, this "Harpy of Flame", as Sims have come to call her, is often associated with the legendary "Phoenix" bird.
Few have come close to this woman, but the few that have return with amazing, if not a bit vague and improbable, tales. Few of these Sims are believed, though all who hear their stories take to heart their warnings not to stand against this creature, as she is just like the flames she dwells in; gourgeous and graceful, dancing amoung the wind for eternity; but with an unwelcomed action, she burns to the touch...

Will your Sims solve her mysteries, and get past that otherworldly shadow that seperates her from humans?

This outfit was pretty hard to make! I used a photo texture of my dear old rooster, Buckbeak to create this item. I'm very pleased with the result! I'm afraid it isn't 100% seamless, but I'm still learning my way around this Harpy mesh. Still, I'm thrilled with how this came together!

Custom Content REQUIRED:
Rensim - Backlash Liner (Black)
Rensim - Winter Lip Gloss: Iced Latte
PeggySims2PeggySims2 - Free Hair #142 (MESH and Color)
Louis's #7 Skintone (Pale)

My Policy:
You MAY NOT redistribute this Sim's face sculpt.
You MAY NOT recolor or edit my texture of the Harpy outfit-- that's my job! =P If you have a request for a recolor of this texture, feel free to ask.
You MAY use this Sim in stories, movies, etc; as long as you mention that I created her.
You MAY NOT claim this Sim or "Harpy of Flame" clothing as your own.


Custom Content by Me:
- The Flame Harpy - Sim by Woglinde
- The Harpy of Flame by Sunken Woglinde

Custom Content Included:
- helaene - realistic brows - 3 by Helaene
- Wine by Enayla by Enayla
- helaene_diorblush - peach veil by Helaene- dior blushes
- Goddess Makeup #2 - Red by Sheyza
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