Freckles - Oepu recoloured
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At last i had enough time to change the skins.
I'm very very sorry that it took so long, but now they should run in basegame too (without Pets). If anything is still mistaken, please tell me...

These are some freckles i made.
They're based on Oepus Intim Details skin.(Oepu )
I love her skin but there weren't any recoloures of it and I wanted to use them as defaults. So I created 4 recoloures (which i didn't upload yet - there are a few mistakes. they will follow in a while).
But I also created some freckles, based on my pale and my normalskin.
Hope you like them. Here they are:
Pale freckles nose: based on a very pale skintone. freckles appear only on nose and shoulders
Pale freckles full face: based on the same pale skin, but freckles appear on the whole face and also on bald head, neck, chest and back
Normal freckles nose: Same like pale freckles nose, but based on a darker skin. freckles are darker, too.
Normal freckles full face: Same like pale freckles full face, but also based on a darker skin.
Normal freckles light: This is almost the same like normal freckles full face but the freckles are as light as the freckles on the pale skins. This is why theyre not so extrem and you do not see them everywhere.So this is a very natural frecklesskin I think.
(please notice that these freckles wil only appear in the game like shown here if you've enabled full texture details. Otherwise they may be a little blurry)
These skintones are part of alkaloids "Natural Redhead Project." You can find it HERE.
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 1.62 MB.
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 1.38 MB.
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 1.41 MB.
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 1.62 MB.
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 1.37 MB.
Uploaded: 4th Mar 2008, 7.39 MB.
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Updated: 4th Mar 2008 at 10:00 PM - Basegamecompatible now
by Ktoś 19th Aug 2006 at 11:18am
3 12.9k 1
by SussisSoGoodSims 15th Dec 2006 at 4:17pm
8 36.6k 40
by RedBeard 16th Jan 2007 at 8:37am
10 41.8k 23
*Lighter version of Oepu's newest skintone*
by lidiqnata updated 9th Mar 2007 at 1:47pm
by shadowedlight 4th Jun 2007 at 4:57am
10 29.3k 27
by fansimstwo 2nd Aug 2007 at 3:23am
9 31.4k 42
Default Replacements of Oepu's maxis-match Skintones
by Sadisticpyro 23rd Aug 2007 at 10:19am
by Mixisen 7th Jun 2010 at 2:20am
21 41.4k 41