Jonathan and Charmaine Reid

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Meet Jonathan and Charmaine Reid. They're a middle aged couple who are finally about to celebrate a new chapter in their lives. They've raised their twin boys and have just sent them off to college. Experiencing an empty home for the first time, Jon and Char have decided to pick up where they left off 19 years ago by digging out their wands and seeing if they've still got it. Hiding their natural abilities from the kids hasn't been easy. There have been many times when the twins were younger that a quick flick of the wrist would have quieted the sibling rivalry and stopped the incessant food fights but alas, Jon and Char have kept their secret and tried to raise their kids the "normal way". Char has noticed however that the guys have been exhibiting some signs of power, especially when frustrated. Jon wonders if they're going to have to fess up and tell them the truth about their family history. Time will tell......

I would like to thank all of the wonderful creators out there whose work I have used to come up with Jon and Char. I thank each and every one of you for your talent. Without people like you, who give so freely and ask such little in return, people like me wouldn't be able to create our ideas. This truly is a wonderful experience by which we can all share.

Custom Content Included:
- - 3105 eyes - light blue by
- Facial Stubble by Pimp My Sims
- Beard Nevio black by Schnuddl for pms by Pimp My Sims
- MiddleAge Mermaid Cove by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- Black Eyelashes and Eyeliner by Crows_of_Fire
- Dimples ~ by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- helaene - 04/19 lips - 6 by
- Paleo's male adult left ear diamond ear by Paleoanth
- Beauty-Mark 2 by Woglinde by sunken-woglinde
- {Tan} Louis@SimCribbling by Louis / Ren
- Eyelid, No Makeup 2 ~ by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- Magic Wand by by
- Skintone with tattoo by Pimp My Sims
- Middle Aged Hair - Male by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- Middle Aged Hair - Male (Mesh) by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- Rock Pants #2 by sleepless_angel
- Eline by Lienertje
- Natural Goth Eyeshadow by corvidophile2
- Black Eyelashes and Eyeliner by Crows_of_Fire
- helaene - open lips - tawny by helaene
- MiddleAge Mermaid Cove by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- Beauty-Mark 2 by Woglinde by sunken-woglinde
- {Mid} Louis@SimCribbling by Louis @ SimCribbling
- NecklaceSet203 by All About Style
- Professor McGonnagalls wand by Bipsouille by Bipsouille
- {Mid} Louis@SimCribbling by Ren
- Middle Aged Hair - Female by Merco at Mermaid Cove
- Middle Aged Hair - Female (Mesh) by Merco at Mermaid Cove

**UPDATE** It has been brought to my attention that my package file for these sims contained only the custom content and not the sims with the custom content. Opps.
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