Athens and Apollo Reid, Jon and Char's twin boys!!!

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Meet Athens and Apollo, the twins born to Jonathan and Charmaine Reid. When Jon and Char first got married, they spent their honeymoon and the first year of their marriage in Greece. Soon after, Char found herself sick to her stomach and conjured Dr. Bombay and then found out the twins were on their way. Now that they've become teenagers, Athens and Apollo have found out the family secret.

It all started when Athens started tormenting Apollo, yet again. Of course, because he came out first, Athens always felt like he was older and didn't hesitate in telling his "little brother" about it all the time. Apollo got mad one day and told Athens to buzz off. The next thing you know, Athens vanished with a pop, only to be replaced by a mosquitoe. Imagine the shock on his face when Apollo realized what had happened. Calling mom and dad was no help at all because they just told him he was seeing things and it was just his imagination. Strange. Why would any parent brush something as serious as that off and actually chuckle! After much pleading with the mosquitoe, Athens reappeared. It was then that they realized that something was up and needed investigating. They decided to call their favourite aunt, Samantha Stephens, Charmaine's older sister.

When it was time to head off to college, Athens and Apollo decided to fake it and head off to Connecticut to see Aunt Samantha and Uncle Darrin. Maybe they could shed some light on what had happened. After bribing Aunt Samantha with chocolate and threatening to tell Uncle Darrin that Aunt Samantha was doing "funny things" again, she spilled her guts and informed them of the family secret. It seems Grandma Endora and Grandpa Maurice were quite older than they looked. The same went for Great Aunt Clara, Aunt Serena, and their favourite Great Uncle Arthur. They have quite the lineage. They still haven't told their parents that they know who they really are. Aunt Samantha has promised not to squeal on them but rather has decided to teach them the ways, much to the dismay of Uncle Darrin. Boy, mom and dad are really going to be surprised.

Apollo's hair and their facial stubble is not included. It can be found at Pimp My Sims. Athens hair, the wolf cut is not included but can be found here. Also, their clothing is not included along with their broomsticks. Their Nimbus 2000's can be found here.

I would like to thank all of the wonderful creators out there whose work I have used to come up with Athens and Apollo. I thank each and every one of you for your talent. Without people like you, who give so freely and ask such little in return, people like me wouldn't be able to create our ideas. This truly is a wonderful experience by which we can all share.

Custom Content Included:
- helaene - realistic brows - 3 by Helaene
- Eyes by Louis
- Black Eyelashes and Eyeliner by Crows Of Fire
- Larc EyeShadow {by Louis :} by Louis
- {Tan} Louis@SimCribbling by Louis / Ren
- Just Lips ~Mid~ by A.S.K. by AtomicSpaceKitty
- helaene - piercings - labret stud 1 by helaene
- Paleo male teen diamond left by Paleoanth
- Paleo Diamond earrings male right by Paleoanth
- Beauty-Mark 3 by Woglinde by sunken-woglinde
- EyeBags ~ Mermaid Cove by Hairfish
- {Tan} Louis@SimCribbling by Ren
- helaene - realistic brows - 3 by Helaene
- Eyes by Louis
- Black Eyelashes and Eyeliner by Crows Of Fire
- Larc EyeShadow {by Louis :} by Louis
- {Tan} Louis@SimCribbling by Louis / Ren
- Just Lips ~Mid~ by A.S.K. by AtomicSpaceKitty
- helaene - piercing - eyebrow (right) by helaene
- Paleo male teen diamond left by Paleoanth
- Paleo Diamond earrings male right by Paleoanth
- Beauty-Mark 1 by Woglinde by sunken-woglinde
- EyeBags ~ Mermaid Cove by Hairfish
- {Tan} Louis@SimCribbling by Ren

**UPDATE** It has been brought to my attention that my package files for Athens and Apollo contained only the custom content and not the sims with the custom content. Opps.
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