Senenmut Set
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Copy of Senenmut-CeilingPaintingsFromTombChapel_MetropolitanMuseum.jpg - width=800 height=640
This paint is recreated from the fragments in the Metropolitan Museum in New York City. It's originally from the tomb of Senenmut, possible lover to the Pharoah Hatshepsut. I've taken a wee bit of liberty as the surviving paint was actually a ceiling.
I've created a borderless (Senenmut3), a dual top and bottom bordered panel (Senemut 2) and a single bottom bordered panel (Senemut 1). I've tried to use vibrant colors that match their ancient Egyptian cousins but with a "new" look to them. I hope everyone enjoys!
Additional Credits:
Metropolitan Museum of New York City
Uploaded: 11th Jul 2007, 47.5 KB.
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by SwampMama 18th Mar 2005 at 11:02pm
1 2.6k
by SwampMama 18th Mar 2005 at 11:11pm
1 2.5k
by sketched86 28th Apr 2005 at 4:51am
21 28.3k 3
by Hermes 7th Oct 2005 at 1:19pm
3 6.5k 1
by angeleyetr 17th Nov 2005 at 1:32am
by DarkOneDencer 29th Dec 2005 at 2:16pm
7 3.1k 1
by Ani81 29th Mar 2006 at 4:47pm
3 4.2k
by Sheepy-Pie 31st Jul 2007 at 11:47pm
12 15.9k 15
by sehana 13th Feb 2008 at 7:07am
1 5.7k 5