Another Bunker Set
Bunker.jpg - width=800 height=579
Bunker wall.jpg - width=800 height=515
Yes, another bunker set. With these walls and floors your sims who need protection will feel very safe.
*Edit* maybe it will inspire someone to make a loophole...

10 wall panels. Seamless horizontally and mixable.
2 floor tiles (1x1). Seamless and mixable.
1 floor tiles (1x1). Designed for top. Seamless.
1 floor tiles (2x2). Designed for top. Seamless.
Under poured for 3§.
The sands bags comes from the construction items @ Retail Sims

Enjoy !
Uploaded: 21st Jul 2007, 903.2 KB.
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Updated: 13th Jun 2011 at 7:26 PM
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