// i n t r i g u e .} 13 eyes

intrigue.jpg - width=545 height=400
Thanks to Naduaka figuring out how to make the template 1024 x 1024 so that these eyes could have more detail.
They have very crisp detail and vibrant colors and look great on any sim. I'm very pleased with the sclera, it's the same one I made for my Starstruck eyes a while back, just scaled to 1024 x 1024, and obviously with a new eye texture.
I hope you all enjoy them!

intrigue - bailey.zip
Uploaded: 14th Aug 2007, 1.65 MB.
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Kaleidoscope Eyes - set of 13 eyes
by thoppenfeld 24th Nov 2007 at 1:24pm
Lolita Inspired - A cute outfit for teen females.
by bailelizabeth 6th Apr 2007 at 5:05am
Here is a cute, lolita-inspired outfit for your teen females. DO NOT UPLOAD TO THE EXCHANGE. more...
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by bailelizabeth 28th Jan 2007 at 8:37am
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by bailelizabeth 6th Apr 2007 at 2:39am
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XMsims #39 (page 54) Alpha edits & recolors - No headband.
by bailelizabeth 27th Feb 2007 at 6:07am
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3 Vampire-inspired Outfits for Teen Males (Mesh-free, as always)
by bailelizabeth 8th Mar 2007 at 7:07am
Here are 3 'darker' outfits for your teen male sims. DO NOT UPLOAD THESE OUTFITS TO THE EXCHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!! more...
l a y e r e d .} .meshless.teen.female.outfit.
by bailelizabeth 30th Aug 2007 at 8:27pm
Here is a mesh free outfit for your teen females. more...
by bailelizabeth 28th May 2007 at 5:46am
Here are three slightly disturbing clown masks for your sims. more...
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