NEW VERSION! Lembas Bread Wrapped in Mallorn Leaf

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Now your hungry sims can eat Lambas!
...wrapped in a Mallorn leaf, that is.
Yes, the mallorn leaf is left on when they eat. I always imagined that Mallorn leaves were edible, so decided to leave it. *shrug* Although, I was expecting the lambas itself to show up a bit more than that. I may eventually edit it again at some point in time, but it's not likely, unless you really want me to.
Some interesting things about this Lambas Bread:
-Cloned from Toaster Pastry
-2x Hunger Fufillment of Toaster Pastry
-Cooking Skill minimum of 5
-Eaten quicker than Toaster Pastry
-Takes 12 hours to spoil, instead of the usual 6
I tried to get it so that you could eat it for lunch and dinner too, but it didn't work out right. However, if you have OFB, you can eat it at any time using the Make menu.
Happy simming!
NOTE: As it has been brought to my attention, it is really spelled Lembas. You can edit it or keep it the way it is. I didn't realize that I'd spelled it this way in the public version.

Additional Credits:
SimPE, obviously, but also Jasana_BugBreeder and Echo for the help they gave me in regards to BCON editing. *nods*
Uploaded: 30th Aug 2007, 42.0 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Aug 2007, 41.8 KB.
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Updated: 30th Aug 2007 at 4:17 AM
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