Plain Bon Voyage Female Kimonos
PlainSet1.jpg - width=640 height=450
PlainSet2.jpg - width=640 height=450
Well, fear no more! Here are some plain looking kimonos suitable for daily activities!

6 set of colors for your sim to play around with. Use these for daily simwear, and keep those fancy ones for spacial occasions!
Update: I just learned that this is actually a yukata, not kimono. But since kimono is the famous ones, I guess I'll just leave the name there! :P
And no, please refrain from asking where did I get the hairs on the model sims. I'm tired of that question and tired of answering it since people wont bother look for the answers on the same page and keep asking. Ask around, there are people who can help. Just not here, please.
Additional Credits:
All custom hair makers. Sorry I cant list you guys personally because I myself cant remember.
HystericalParoxysm - for step by step help on shadowing. thanks for being patience and awesome.
Tiggerypum - for suggestions, ideas and comments. it is greatly appreciated.
Fanseelamb - you might not know this, but you're an inspiration!
Star - for being a fangirl? LOL
Uploaded: 11th Sep 2007, 1.37 MB.
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Original Drawings by Emino (Part 3)
by emino 25th May 2007 at 2:04am
Note: Before downloading, please see what I wrote HERE ! more...
+1 packs
SC + GS = Golden Lion Skintone!
by emino 23rd Nov 2006 at 11:42am
'Golden Lion' skintone is a second uploads from a series of furry skintones. more...
SC + GS = Brown Ape Skintone! *updated 30/9/06*
by emino 19th Sep 2006 at 2:46am
UPDATED 30/9/06: I have fix the female belly buttons and rename this skintones to 'Brown Ape' so that I can more...
Lance Alvers of The Brotherhood (X-Men Evolution) *updated 31st May*
by emino 26th May 2006 at 3:53pm
*updated 31st May* teen version of Lance's full body outfit by yours truly :P. (em_tm_avalance.rar) Howdy! more...
39 37.9k 3
Original Drawings by Emino (Part 2)
by emino 10th Mar 2007 at 9:41am
Note: Before downloading, please see what I wrote HERE ! more...
+1 packs
About Me
He is strictly straight, even though sometimes he may behave or act otherwise, he is undeniably straight. Although, he wouldn’t mind compliments from both sexes. Just keep that in mind!
He’s the second of four sons in his family, and is the son of a bank officer and a high school teacher. He also have a baby sister who is 16 years younger than him.
Emino enjoyed doing artsy and techie stuffs. He is also an animal lover, which is proven with him being the caretaker of 11 other lives (3 sugar gliders & 7 guinea pigs and a white-faced roborovski hamsters).
He usually spends his day off by watching tv. He also often be spotted hanging out at a local petshop, with his Alienware, Nintendo DS and pet sugar gliders.
Oh yeah, this boy also thinks he’s funny.