De-customized Versions of HystericalParoxysm's Idolatry skintones.

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Uploaded: 19th Nov 2007 at 6:28 AM
Again, these work on the same principle as my other de-customized skins. I'm uploading these following a request from LettuceMermaid. XD.

The original skintones can be found here and here , and are the awesome work of HystericalParoxysm.

Also, in addition to de-customizing them, I tweaked the genetic values on the normal skintones a little, because when used in addition to all the other de-customized skins in my game, they were giving me freakishly dark children from light parents. I've also added genetic values for the fantasy skins, to coincide with those available for the genensims genetics for Enayla's skins.