Emo.Set (Eyes, Eyeshade, Lipgloss) by VanillaIceCream (Schnegge) x3

emo.licious.x3..jpg - width=473 height=315
I'm back with an Emoset

I hope you like it. Please give a feedback. Push the Thanksbutton if you like it

-> the Eyes, the Eyeshade and the Lipgloss (it changes the form of the lips and gives more volume) are added.
Eyes: i've uploaded other colors (http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=248250)
Lipgloss: i've created some other colors and i will upload them soon

Love, Schnegge (my new nickname ;D)
Emo.Set (Eyeshade.Eyes.Lipgloss) by VanillaIceCream (Schnegge) x3.rar
Uploaded: 29th Dec 2007, 34.3 KB.
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Updated: 1st Jan 2008 at 2:44 PM
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About Me
Have fun with my downloads!
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•Don't put on Paysites!
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•Tell me, when you put my downloads on another site :)
Enjoy, VanillaIceCream x3