A Study in Purple - recolours of bailelizabeth's Lucent Eyes
Collage 01.jpg - width=800 height=600
Collage 02.jpg - width=800 height=600

In my game these eyes are set with a genetic value of 3, which means they are very recessive. Hope you will like them. Enjoy!
Credit goes to bailelizabeth for her gorgeous Lucent Eyes
Additional Credits:
Hair -> SeluXereZ@MTS2 for her recolour of XMSims hair 062
Skintone -> Pixie fall by Enayla
Eyeliner -> Lashes for all races by Anva@MTS2
Eyeshadow -> Ephemera AsiaStyle Shadow by teru_k@MTS2
Lipstick -> Ephemera AsiaStyle Shadow by teru_k@MTS2
Eyebrows -> GlamaliciousBrows by La_exotique@MTS2
Clothes -> Satin vest @ Vanilla Femme
Uploaded: 5th Mar 2008, 71.5 KB.
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#Lucent eyes, #bailelizabeth, #purple, #recolour, #recolor
DEFAULTS - Lucent Eyes by bailelizabeth
by RedSimmies 3rd Nov 2007 at 8:46am
Lucent Eyes ~Bright eyecolors~
by icedmango 1st Mar 2008 at 7:12pm
Bailelizabeth's "Lucent Eyes" as Contacts
by Vampire_of_Death updated 21st Jul 2008 at 4:24am
26 104.7k 102