Decorative Orange Amp (Recolour of Marshall Fullstack)
Screenshot copy.jpg - width=600 height=450
412.jpg - width=468 height=586
Yes! It is upload number three! I noticed lots of indie bands eg. The Wombats, The Pigeon Detectives etc. use amps called Orange. I thought maybe all my indie sims would like this type of amps, but i could only find marshalls.
So i've recoloured A Marshall Fullstack by bradleyoli (I couldn't recolour the Atavera one) to make it look like and Orange amp, although it's still called a Marshall. Unfotunatly it's only a decorative item but it looks great!
Thanks to bradleyoli for making a great mesh which was easy to recolour.
Please leave feedback and ideas. Hope you like it!
Uploaded: 26th Jul 2008, 141.4 KB.
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Decorative Marshall Fullstack by bradleyoli |
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