Excell Exteriors Bay Window System - Set #1 **Base Game Compatable** *UPDATED - PLEASE RE-DOWNLOAD*

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Excell Exteriors Bay Window System - Set #1

UPDATED 24-5-2019 - Fixed repository issues.
UPDATED 21-8-2008

The bay windows now use the reposatory system. The master texture is located in the fifthace2007-excellexteriors-baywindowsystem-main-[6-8-2008].package ALL the other bay windows draw their textures from this package.

Those that have already downloaded, please remove ALL the original packages from your download folder and replace them with the ones from the updated .rar. If you have already used them in building a house, you will not need to rebuild, as they all use the existing GUID's so will override the originals, provided you don't enter the game between removing the originals and replacing them

The two normal windows, and the door, still have their own textures, as they require different Material Definitions.

Has anyone else noticed that the only maxis bay window in the game, is pretty poor. It doesn't even match any of the roofs, and get close enough, and the parts don't meet up correctly, and the wallmask is slightly out at the top so on the inside, you can see a small section of wall protruding where it isn't wanted.

So, I decided to make my own. And came up with quite a nifty three-tile bay window, I even matched the roof to the default roof. But I wanted more options with the bay window. I didn't want to be limited to a three-tile window. I may want one smaller, or wider, or to go around a corner...

So, I decided to make this:

10 different windows, which should allow for almost any combination of window design. It will go around 270-degree corners, 90-degree corners, and even 45-degree corners, both on straight and diagonal walls.

You can even, using the included 'Porched Door' build one continuous bay window around the entire perimiter of your house!
And incase you don't, there is also a standard single-tile and double tile window.

That's 13 NEW meshes! Well, 26 if you include the diagonals

Windows List:

Bay: Main
Bay: Left
Bay: Right
Bay: Main Extension
Bay: Main Ext Left
Bay: Main Ext Right
Bay: Left 90 Corner
Bay: Right 90 Corner
Bay: Left 135 Corner
Bay: Right 135 Corner
Bay: Door
Window: Single
Window: Double

Plus ALL Diagonal meshes.

Textures, ALL the objects, use the same texture, to make recolouring simple. With the exception of the door, which uses a transparent .png instead of a non-transparent one. See the section on recolours at the bottom.

Known Issues:

Overlaps: There are, in some places, slight 'overlaps' on the inside. This was needed to ensure certain parts meet up with no gaps. It was either that, or making many more seperate packages, to account for any possible combination. It is objectionably prefferable to have slight overlaps here and there, to have a stupid amount of similar windows, making the package count huge, and building very difficult.

Pathfinding: Because your Sim's, along with the game, will not recognise with there being anything protruding from the wall, they may end up, if their path dictates, walking 'through' the fronts of the windows as they walk 'past' them, parallel to the wall. I don't mean they will walk through them to go from outside to the inside, but 'along' them on the outside. This doesn't affect gameplay in any way. I am working on two methods currently to counter this, one is to change the footprint for the windows, the other is to make a small object, placeable 'infront' of where the wall would be, so that the game will register there being an object in the way, and small enough to be hidden inside the base of each window. The former seems the better choice, and once I perfect it, I will update this upload.

Neighbourhood: This has been the bane of this set. I have tried for the better part of a week to get these to show in the neighbourhood, with zero success. I have tried the only tutorial on this subject, but couldn't make any sense of it, and after a few days in the object creation and repair forum, I was ready to abandon the entire thing. I was encouraged to continue with the set regardless, so many thanks to HystericalParoxysm for her post.


Cloning: No, sorry. I have spent too much time on this set.

Recolours: By all means, I activley encourage it. I built this as a 'base' set. Using the basic maxis brick and standard roofs. But will be very happy to see others recolour this set, to match other roofs/wallpapers. I will at somepoint try to update this, and make the roofs and walls recolourable seperatly, but at the moment, they are all in one texture. (I was concentrating on functionality first). I tried to make the texture/uv map as simple as I could. A few notes: If recolouring the wooden parts, take note of the direction of the grain and location of the shading. Same applies to the roof tiles. You only need to replace the texture in the master object, which is fifthace2007-excellexteriors-baywindowsystem-main-[6-8-2008]. When uploading, just upload the recolour packages and direct people here for the meshes.

I look forward to seeing what comes out of this set.

Lot Uploads: If you want to use this set in your uploaded lots, please link back here for credit for the windows. Include them by all means, just link here incase I update the set.

Future Updates

I have planned, assuming this upload is approved of course , several additions to this set, including a 'ground' set, so that the bay windows can be built across multiple stories... Watch this space

Ok, thats me done I think :D

Any comments, problems, suggestions, feel free to post below.

Polygon Counts:
fifthace2007-excellexteriors-baywindowsystem-main-[6-8-2008] - (Master Object)

Poly: 188


Poly: 188


Poly: 246


Poly: 246


Poly: 246


Poly: 246


Poly: 1166


Poly: 1166


Poly: 654


Poly: 654


Poly: 654


Poly: 654


Poly: 206


Poly: 206


Poly: 206


Poly: 206


Poly: 680


Poly: 680


Poly: 188


Poly: 188


Poly: 188


Poly: 188


Poly: 100


Poly: 100


Poly: 208


Poly: 208

Additional Credits:
Software/Resources Used: SimPE Milkshape
Amapi 7 Designer
Fireworks CS3
MTS2 and their staff/members. Special thanks to everyone who contributes to this site. May it live to The Sims 3 and beyond!

Special thanks to Jasana_BugBreeder and HystericalParoxysm.

Special mention to Mummysim who helped me with the repository system

Click Here for the ground set, which will allow you to build over multiple stories.
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