Safety Pin Earrings for GUYS: Putting the punk back in junk
Anyone from a Sim gone green to a punk can find use for these earrings, so tell your Sims to start recycling!
You can find the original female version here: Not punk enough? Safety Pins as earrings! by the wonderful and talented blackfairy. Without her, these wouldn't exist. I thank her for letting me use the alpha, and textures from her creations. I had to do a LOT of resizing, recoloring, copying, pasting, and repositioning to get them to look mostly right, but hey. I think they turned out pretty good considering I used a COMPLETELY different mesh.
I've added a few versions with my own personal twist along with the ones she originally made. As for the silly Hello Kitty/Chococat ones, you can blame my friend for that. He literally wore those for 2 months straight (The ones with Hello kitty AND Chococat). No idea where he got them, but they grew on me, and I felt I had to add them.

Hair from
DOUBLE EYE COLOR/HETEROCHROMIA?! Yeah, you'll just have to wait and see. ;D (No, they're not photoshopped.)
Skin by Enayla
Brows by I DON'T KNOW. I just realized that they're un-named, and I don't remember where I got them. All I know is they weren't from a pay site(CAUSE I'M TOO CHEAP TO USE THEM). If you really want to know, try the WCIF.

For the green, pink, Hello Kitty, and Chococat ones, there are three versions each.
For the pink and Green:
There are double green, double pink and watermelon as seen below.
For the Sanrio:
There's double Hello Kitty, Double Chococat, and both together, as seen below.

Hair by Sizz
(P.S. I'm aware that some of them don't actually match up properly with the ear. However, I tried to fix that, and it just got worse... So, considering you have to be SUPER close up to notice, I don't feel the need to change them.)
Uploaded: 30th Aug 2008, 160.6 KB.
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Alpha-editable Earrings for male Adults with split Alpha by q3tbo |
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Updated: 1st Sep 2008 at 2:23 AM
by Barcelonista 8th Dec 2005 at 3:37pm
34 36.6k 20
by q3tbo 22nd Feb 2006 at 9:12pm
36 60.8k 37
by Dea 13th Apr 2006 at 10:14am
10 11.4k 3
by q3tbo 6th Jun 2006 at 9:21pm
28 39k 25
by q3tbo 24th Jun 2006 at 2:34am
15 11.9k 7
by Chillitbang 18th Apr 2007 at 4:44pm
2 12.2k 9
Beautiful Dreamer - 13 Eyes by Meyes
by mynameismeyes 14th Aug 2008 at 6:56pm
My second eye upload. more...
Lucid Dream - 26 eyes by Meyes
by mynameismeyes 15th Aug 2008 at 5:52pm
Yeah, I know, more eyes. I'm on an eye frenzy. I'll branch out soon. more...
Welcome to the Kingdom - 20 Kingdom Hearts INSPIRED Eyes
by mynameismeyes 6th Aug 2008 at 8:09am
Well, this is my first upload. So, I hope you guys enjoy it. more...
About Me
NO EYE RECOLORS!!! Anything else, feel free to recolor. as long as you link back.
You may however make defaults of my eyes without permission. But you have to link back here if you do.
You can also upload my stuff with your Sims... But you HAVE TO give me credit for it.
Do whatever you want with my stuff, just don't say you made it! Put it in movies, etc etc...
I REALLY don't care what you do as long as you don't change anything about my eyes. That's the only thing I would be mad if you messed with. If you have a request for eyes, make it, and I'll upload a requests and etc thread with your request included.
I will NOT do ANY requests that I don't feel like doing. If I like the idea, and would use it on MY sims, yes, I'll get on the request ASAP. I am more likely to make things related to the Japanese Rock music/ Visual Kei scene, cybergoth stuff, and random video game items. Any anime cosplay type stuff will not be made unless I really like the anime (No, Naruto and Bleach don't count as anime I like, sorry...).
P.S. I don't usually reply to thanks posts, but they do encourage me to make more CC. ;D
(About the name... No, my name is NOT Meyes. My username is actually my name is me, yes. XD There's a really stupid joke behind that, trust me.)