40 New Plaster and Stucco Walls with Molding
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Every solid-colored wall comes with both egg-and-dart molding, and traditional molding. The double-colored walls come with traditional molding only.

Available are the following
•Five solid colored plaster walls with traditional molding
•Five solid colored plaster with egg-and-dart molding
•Ten double colored plaster walls with traditional molding
•Plaster wall colors are Bayleaf, Butternut, Sienna, Reed, and Pecan•Five solid colored stucco walls with traditional molding
•Five solid colored stucco walls with egg-and-dart molding
•Ten double colored stucco walls with traditional molding
•Stucco wall colors are Mocha, Bungalow Gold, Cattail, Olive, and Paprika
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2008, 1.66 MB.
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2008, 391.2 KB.
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2008, 375.4 KB.
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2008, 473.8 KB.
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2008, 464.6 KB.
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by angeleyetr 17th Nov 2005 at 1:32am
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