Nouk’s male ponytail made shorter - binned [UPDATED 24.08.11]
Biddy ponytail black1.jpg - width=728 height=728
Biddy ponytail black2.jpg - width=579 height=663
Biddy ponytail blond1.jpg - width=839 height=708
Biddy ponytail blond2.jpg - width=642 height=751
Biddy ponytail brown1.jpg - width=664 height=708
Biddy ponytail red1.jpg - width=648 height=677
Olive and ginger recolours.jpg - width=980 height=655
BUT, Nouk’s policy allows you to play about with her creations ad virtually infinitum, so – ta-dah! I gave it a haircut! All that remains of the original very long pony is a little bottle brush thing at the back. I wanted to keep the long fringy bits, but they turned out to be linked to the ponytail textures, so I had to get rid of them

I have sorted this hair into the correct colour categories and adapted it for the age groups Teen-Elder, as per the original. The bottle brush is still animated and will swish around when the Sim moves. There are four colours, plus grey; the blond, black and brown versions are Nouk’s original textures, but I had to recolour the red, which I expect is obvious because it looks rougher than the rest. It should pass muster if you squint, though.
Infinite thanks to Nouk for making this hair, and for letting people mod her work so much.
Update 24.08.11
Blimey, I’ve not been in here for a while; let’s see if I can still remember how Sims 2 works...
People in the comments were saying the Elder version no longer works, so I’m reuploading the original file, which has all age groups Teen-Elder. I’ve also made two requested recolours, ginger and olive green. I don’t have any plans to convert this for Sims 3. The hair is by Nouk, not me, and her policy at present does not allow TS3 conversions. If anyone does do it, I would recommend you alter the mesh rather than alpha editing; there’s a huge amount of wasted file space.
Another little update 06.09.11
I've just noticed that hat_plays_sims has created a huge number of natural recolours using Pooklet's textures, which you can find here. (It's a long post; ctrl + F "Cheryl" and you'll find them.) Meanwhile, Ove has made 23 fantasy colours; they are in this post and you can consult the list of colours here. Thanks very much to Hat and Ove for doing this.

Nouk male ponytail shorter
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2011, 1.15 MB.
Nouk male ponytail shorter
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2011, 1.14 MB.
Nouk male ponytail shorter
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2011, 1.16 MB.
Nouk male ponytail shorter blond, brown and
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2011, 3.48 MB.
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Nouk - Male Ponytail - A long sexy ponytail for your sim guys! by Nouk |
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Updated: 6th Sep 2011 at 1:06 PM - Adding recolours
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