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Uploaded: 15th Dec 2008 at 3:41 PM
Updated: 14th Mar 2009 at 8:07 PM - Update!!! ;)
Hi! I made these walls for my container homes recently, and felt it might be a good idea to offer these also as separate downloads.

Currently there are three colors. Red, blue and orange. But I´m planing to make more in the future. Also darker shades are coming up. These are a bit cheerful because I made this set for my container homes (and they are based on pictures found with google).

Each color can be downloaded separately and each rar includes one wall and floor. (Note: currently I´ve made only one floor per color. But if you have Pets Ep or up, you can rotate floortiles by pressing < and > keys on your keyboard).


*Added a new color: Green.
*Added new file containing horizontal floors for Basegame users.

Additional Credits:
HomeCrafter Plus and Paint.Net