H&M Block City... *REQUESTED* By Joninmobile

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Joninmobile requested that I build a clothing store that is playable for OFB with a modern botique kind of style.
So... here is the end result!!!

Runs smoothly with employee's and you will probably need the max 8 to run this store (if you intend to) and the purchase price of this lot is $255,583

Lot Size: 3x2
Lot Price: 255,583

Custom Content Included:
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimolyHoly Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimoly Holy Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimoly Holy Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimoly Holy Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimoly Holy Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimoly Holy Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by holysimoly Holy Simoly
- The Modular Lounge Set by Holy Simoly Holy Simoly
- Shingle Terrain Paint by parsimonious parsimonious
- Tiled Wall by joninmobile joninmobile
- Sedan by Petreak Petreak
- A Sports Car by Petreak Petreak
- Towncar by Petreak Petreak
- Tiny Ceiling Light by Senesi2003 Senesi2003

Additional Credits:
Joninmobile for suggesting I do this, and I am pretty happy with it turn out thanks to you and the others in the Feedback forum
For the rug in the pictures go to Parsimonious
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