Music Posters Collection
posters1.png - width=364 height=201
"Olive Peynter's City Skyline" painting recolors
posters2.png - width=437 height=131
"Civic Idol" recolors
Today I have designed and created 5 fresh, new music posters for your Sims! I liked Panther00567's Simlish Celebrity Posters, but there were some posters of types of music I don't listen to and decided to make my own posters: Music posters of the most popular music types!
The Country poster shows a cowboy named Alfrido, the "Country Star", and although I really do not like country, I really wanted to make a country poster.
The Pop poster shows a woman named Madalynn, who is a famous Simlish singer who sings pop music targeted at teenagers and young adults, maybe even a few of the older audiences! Her daughter, Nikki, sings kids' pop.
The Kids' Pop poster shows a teenage girl named Nikki who happens to be Madalynn's daughter. Nikki is very famous with kids and preteens and sings pop songs targeted at kids and preteens. I wanted to make one because I wanted to make a poster with music that young children usually listen to. (But preteens listen to EVERYTHING! lol)
On the Hip Hop poster appears the handsome, funny "MC Cash". MC Cash is a pretty famous hip hop singer and rapper and has a LOT of simoleans! He lives in a mansion and has nearly gold everything! (Okay, okay, he's practically the Simlish version of MC Hammer! Not by looks, but by lifestyle!)
Last but not least, the Latin poster. Latin music for Sims! On the music poster appears popular Latin singer, Lisa. Lisa writes her own songs, but sometimes she has her bandmates write them for her, especially when her mind goes blank. Lisa is loved by many of her fans and lives in a very, very, VERY huge family.

If I missed the description for anything, then oops! Anyways, all the music posters I have made by myself are all in SIMLISH and have all been included. This whole project took me about 3 full hours straight, mainly because I just learned something I hadn't known before: Ya have to flip the picture for the City Skyline painting!! Dang it, how come nobody told me?!? lol Anyways, I hope you and your Simmies enjoy their new music posters!
P.S.: Let me just tell you some little things: Teens and young adults listen to hip hop, adults listen to latin, children and young teens listen to Kids' Pop, teens and young adults listen to pop, and adults listen to country. Just thought you'd know if you aren't sure which age groups listen to what music!
Additional Credits: SimPE Paint.NET (Paint program I used to design the posters)
CynicalChick (for teaching me how to recolor Maxis paintings weeks and weeks ago)
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| Music Posters download
Uploaded: 24th Feb 2009, 852.7 KB.
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1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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Updated: 14th Mar 2009 at 2:48 AM by whiterider
by Lezibeth updated 20th Aug 2005 at 10:23pm
9 4k
by maree464 24th Nov 2005 at 7:13am
4 6.6k 8
3 Sim-realistic Hip Hop Posters: Shanay Star
by refined android 1st Dec 2005 at 7:27am
+1 packs
by maree464 30th Dec 2005 at 5:45pm
12 6.8k 2
by PrincessKoriandr 8th Feb 2006 at 9:29am
+1 packs
by panther00567 11th Feb 2009 at 2:01am
+1 packs
Teen Style
Country/Western Music Posters on LordCrumps' 4t2 Posters
by scribblingTiresias 21st Aug 2024 at 5:43pm
1.3k 5
About Me
I no longer create content for The Sims 2, therefore my content is no longer supported/updated. I also do not remember how I made most of my work (I stopped creating game content a long time ago), so please do not depend on me to provide accurate answers to your messaged questions.
No Requests, period.
Some people say they do this so that when they put the house up for download, the people that download it can decorate according to their own tastes. However usually, the real reason is that they could not be bothered to decorate it. Make the effort to do so. People will appreciate a nicely decorated house, but more importantly, you need to decorate it so that you can see that the size of each room is not too big, and not too small, and that each room of the house has a purpose. |
-Mikeinside on Making Houses
I own all Sims 2 expansion packs, plus Teen Stuff, Ikea, and M&G. I'm only a casual player now, however, so I don't have all of them installed.