Real plugs (high quality)!

Dem.jpg - width=582 height=450

Ham.jpg - width=600 height=450

Hende.jpg - width=600 height=450

Plugs_oversigt.jpg - width=600 height=601

Extra.jpg - width=621 height=530

I have been gone for about half a year now, and without informing anyone about it. I apologize for that.
However I am back again, and I bring plugs with me (yay)!

For those that doesn't know what plugs are, I can tell that it is a large gauge earring (I was asked to explain this, so I hope that settles it

So I saw these awesome plugs (done by sleepless_angel), that are able to have much higher quality prints on them, than the ones I have made as "masks".
Thank you so much for making them sleepless_angel, and for letting me recolor them.
They will be found under glasses and appear only in pairs.
You can download them in themes or choose to download all of them, the choise is yours!

Hope you will enjoy them!
// Lea aka. blackfairy

Both models are made by me, and will not be uploaded at this point.
The blackline piercings, on the other hand, can be found under my creations!
The pictures below are screenshots taken of the plug from IN GAME! They have simply been cut to make it more organized. So what you see is what you get.

I now accept requests again, however IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to make tunnels with a real hole through. I am working on making some plugs that have a skin-color in the middle though, so it looks a bit like a tunnel - but so far I have only reached unsatisfying results.
EDIT: Sleepless_angel has been so kind to let me add the mesh here, so remember to get it along with the plugs.

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3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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Updated: 15th Mar 2009 at 11:51 AM - Fixed the broken files :)
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Helloo! more...
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by blackfairy 19th Aug 2008 at 2:31am
Hey y'all! :) That's right - even more alternative "earrings" for your sims ladies! more...
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Hello once again! more...