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*Politics is a whole new career based off of the original Politics career. This is my very first creation, so please excuse me if there are any rough patches.I wanted my sim to end out as President of The United States, but instead he ended out as mayor. This career ends out as president and has completely original chance cards, some new job titles (including Vice President), new days, new salaries, and new job descriptions. I completely got rid of the Judge job. *Politics' reward is the same as the original, the teleprompter. The two jobs share the same teleprompter, so if you download this job, be sure not to use the original politics. When you make to level 5 on either one, the teleprompter will appear in the same slot. I was not able to remove an empty bubble on the job rewards panel, sorry! To tell the difference between my job and the original, I just put an asterisk in front of Politics. I became serious with this project after downloading enriquemt0's Barack Obama sim. Enriquemt0 did an excellent job and I recommend downloading her obama sim. All extra job information will be in the Notepad format download on the download link. COMPLETE information listed below:

1- Campaign Worker
Your salary is minuscule, but you have fun getting your feet wet in the political puddle by helping a favorite local candidate into office. This job requires long hours managing telephone teams and volunteer groups canvassing neighborhoods for votes.
Carpool: 8am
Hours: 9am- 3am
Salary: 30
Days: MTThF
You are offered to make signs for your favorite candidate. At the same time however, you were asked to make telephone calls to houses across the neighborhood. What should you do?
A. Make the signs. B. Make the telephone calls.
Option A good- The candidate appreciated your work especially and asked the committee to give you bonus check! +$300
Option A bad- Your art was thrown in the trash because it was so horrible! Creativity -2
Option B good- You successfully persuaded a citizen to vote for your candidate via telephone and is also going to raise money for this candidate. Charisma +1
Option B bad- The only citizen you get a hold of all day is someone who despises your candidate and you cannon persuade him. Charisma -1

2- Intern
You start out running errands for the Washington D.C. Controller and try to work your way up to getting lunch for the President. Low pay and long hours. You will need to know how to speak to advance in politics.
Carpool: 6am
Hours: 7am- 3pm
Salary: 45
Bonus: 20
Days: MTThFS
Requirements: Charisma-1
You finally get a chance to bring the President his lunch but you have to run an errand for the Washington D.C. Controller. What should you do?
A. Bring the President his lunch B. Run the errand
Option A good- The President is glad that you brought him his lunch and the Controller didn't mind you not showing up. Logic +1
Option A bad- When you handed the President his lunch he told you that you brought him the wrong type of sandwich, and the Controller is angry that you didn't help. -$100
Option B good- The Controller was very pleased that you helped and someone else took the lunch to the President. +$300
Option B bad- You went to see the Controller to see what they wanted, but they ended up not needing you. You missed out on a good opportunity. Logic -1

3- Lobbyist
A special-interest group to influence local politicians to hire you. You need to be smart and creative to make people like you, and you need to start making some friends!
Carpool: 9am
Hours: 10am- 5pm
Salary: 70
Bonus: 30
Days: MWFSSu
Requirements: Logic-2 Charisma-1 Friends-1
You are offered a chance to meet a powerful politician who is interested in hiring you as his Campaign Manager, but you have to go to a lobbyist meeting. What do you do?
A. Meet with the politician B. Go to the meeting.
Option A good- The politician is pleased that you came to talk with him. He thinks that you are very viable to be his Campaign Manager! + Promotion
Option A bad- When the politician found out that you had a meeting to go to, he figured that you were not serious about your job. - Promotion
Option B good- The politician was very pleased to see that you are so serious about your job. He decides to hire you. + Promotion
Option B bad- The politician is angry that you did not come to see him and asked that you be removed from your post. - Promotion

4- Campaign Manager
Although your salary finally gets a nice jump, your hours increase tremendously. You must still maintain neighborhood relationships and domestic tranquility. Practice charisma while gaining new friends so politicians will want to hire you. This may be one of your hardest steps, but most rewarding, in your politics career.
Carpool: 6am
Hours: 7am- 7pm
Salary: 170
Bonus: 70
Requirements: Charisma- 2 Friends- 2
You must attend a meeting with all of the lobbyists, but you also have to make a speech to a group of people about your candidate. What should you do?
A. Attend the meeting. B. Make the speech.
Option A good- The lobbyists love you as their campaign manager and give you some extra cash for your hard work. Someone took your place at the speech. +$500
Option A bad- The people waiting to hear from you were left waiting not realizing it was canceled. Charisma -1
Option B good- You successfully got your point out to the citizens. Charisma +1
Option B bad- The lobbyists are angry that you did not show up at the meeting and your speech did not go very well. Logic -1

5- City Council Member
Finally! It's your first elected post! This is a well-paid job to be sure. The more logical you are in pushing your own agenda through the council, the faster you will advance in the political machine.
Carpool: 9am
Hours: 10am- 5pm
Salary: 500
Bonus: 400
Days: MWThFSu
Requirements: Logic- 1 Friends- 1
You must attend a meeting with the City Council, but you also have to meet with a politician to give him your ideas. What do you do?
A. Attend the meeting. B. Meet with the politician.
Option A good- That meeting was actually about offering you a bonus after all of your hard work.
Option A bad- The meeting ended up being canceled. Logic -2
Option B good- The politician loves your ideas and decides to use them. Charisma +2
Option B bad- The politician is not to keen with your ideas and the Council is angry that you did not show up. -Promotion

6- State Assembly Person
The voters trust you enough to represent their country in the State Assembly. A lot of creative thought will be needed in meeting with state officials to be sure D.C.'s local interests are protected and promoted.
Carpool: 11am
Hours: 12pm- 7pm
Salary: 600
Bonus: 300
Days: MTWThF
Requirements: Creativity- 2 Logic-2 Friends-1
The state assembly asks you to go to Virginia to speak with the governor, but you also have to finish some paper work you never finished. What should you do?
A. Speak with the governor. B. Finish the paperwork
Option A good- The governor is pleased that you came to speak with him and liked the assembly's ideas that you brought for Virginia. Charisma +2
Option A bad- The State Assembly is angry that you did not finish your paper work. -$1000
Option B good- The Assembly is very pleased that you finished that urgent paper work. Someone else went to see the governor in your absence. +$1000
Option B bad- No one else was able to meet with the governor to share the new ideas. You are also angry at yourself for not finishing the paperwork. Logic -2

7- Congressperson
The citizens have spoken once again and elected you to Congress. You'll spend your time covering your district from your local office. Networking with neighbors and making new friends to keep political support must be balanced with maintaining a contented house and family.
Carpool: 8am
Hours: 9am-5pm
Salary: 800
Bonus: 500
Days: TWThFSu
Requirements: Charisma-1 Creativity- 1 Friends- 3
You need to make another speech to the public, but you also need to make a call to a Senator. What do you do?
A. Make the speech. B. Call the Senator.
Option A good- The citizens love you more than ever after making that glorious speech. Charisma +3
Option A bad- Your speech makes the citizens fall asleep and the Senator is angry that you did not make the call. Charisma -2
Option B good- The Senator is very pleased that you called to share your ideas. He also put in an extra bonus he liked you so much. +$1500
Option B bad- The citizens waited to hear your speech and were disappointed when they found out you would not show up. The Senator did not like the ideas one bit. Charisma -2

8- Senator
You're authoring bills and chairing important subcommittees. You appear regularly on political talk shows and your influence is being felt across D.C. With more wits and many new friends, you may be working with the President!
Carpool: 8am
Hours: 9am- 6pm
Salary: 1500
Bonus: 1000
Days: TWThSSu
Requirements: Logic- 3 Creativity- 3 Friends- 4
A talk show host offers you a chance to land on his show for an interview. Unfortunately, you must vote on a bill on the same night. What do you do?
A. Land on the show. B. Vote on the bill.
Option A good- That show hadn't had that many viewers in years when you were on there. Your extra vote would not have affected the outcome of the bill. Logic +2
Option A bad- Your vote would have affected the turnout of the bill. Your ideas for the bill are shattered by you not being there. Logic -2
Option B good- Your vote affected the turnout of the bill for the better! Logic +2
Option B bad- Your vote did not affect the turnout of the bill. You missed out on a big opportunity to be on the show. Logic -2

9- Vice President of The United States
The President has chosen you to be his second-hand man. You will help and guide him through the next few years! Your paycheck just got a huge burst, but so did the hours. You need to make many people like you now and so maybe in a few years you can run for President yourself...
Carpool: 8am
Hours: 9am- 6pm
Salary: 2500
Bonus: 2000
Days: MTThFS
Requirements: Charisma- 5 Logic- 1 Creativity- 4 Friends- 6
At a meeting, you are asked a question you know nothing about. Do you-
A. Tell the truth about you not knowing. B. Lie and say a close answer.
Option A good- The President is pleased that you told the truth and rewards you for doing so. You will try harder next time. +$1000
Option A bad- The President is disappointed in you for not knowing, for it is your job to know a question like that! Logic -2
Option B good- The President appreciates your efforts. Logic +1
Option B bad- The President is angry at you for lying and cuts a chunk of your money out. -$2500

10- President of The United States of America
It is not every day someone becomes President. It's not even every year! The time working for the President is over. People have elected you to be their next President of the United States of America. Congratulations! It will be a hard job, but a very rewarding one. Good luck to you Mr. President!
Carpool: 9am
Hours: 10am- 5pm
Salary: 8,000
Bonus: 250,000
Days: MTWThF
At a Presidential Address to the Nation, you forget part of your speech. Do you:
A. Improvise B. Tell the people that you forgot the speech.
Option A good- You successfully improvise that part of the speech. +$2000
Option A bad- The crowd can tell that you forgot your speech. This turns up on the news later that night. -$2000
Option B good- The crowd appreciates that you told them and did not embarrass yourself trying to improvise. +$1000
Option B bad- Saturday Night Live gets a good laugh at this. -$1000

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