Township Politics Career for Small Neighborhoods
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This is the first time I have ever modded anything, but this little baby is EP Ready and WILL NOT overwrite any other careers.
In the Sims 2 Discussion thread, a conversation about realism in our neighborhoods had me thinking. While the normal Maxis Political career will work for large neighborhoods or megahoods, smaller neighborhoods need something different!
The Township Politics career is geared towards small villages, towns, and townships. The career follows a similar political ladder to those in townships (or as close as I could come up with).
The Icon is the same as the Sims 2 Politics career, however, the pay is vastly different. Your township mayor shouldn't get paid as much as your city mayor!
Here are all 10 levels of the Township along with pay, work hours, and promotion requirements.
A Chance Card can be found with each job level and they come with various good and bad choices. (Chance cards are not listed. Why spoil the surprise?
I didn't bother attaching certain outfits. It's a small town. Why can't the mayor go to work in T-shirt and jeans?
Unfortunately, there is no teen/elder version. There is also no career reward attached to this career.
Again, this is not a default replacement. It's EP ready. It also has it's own guid and won't overwrite other careers. If you have any issues with this career, please let me know.
Major thanks to Emma_Barrett and her wonderful career tutorial for beginners.
In the Sims 2 Discussion thread, a conversation about realism in our neighborhoods had me thinking. While the normal Maxis Political career will work for large neighborhoods or megahoods, smaller neighborhoods need something different!
The Township Politics career is geared towards small villages, towns, and townships. The career follows a similar political ladder to those in townships (or as close as I could come up with).
The Icon is the same as the Sims 2 Politics career, however, the pay is vastly different. Your township mayor shouldn't get paid as much as your city mayor!
Here are all 10 levels of the Township along with pay, work hours, and promotion requirements.
A Chance Card can be found with each job level and they come with various good and bad choices. (Chance cards are not listed. Why spoil the surprise?

I) Activist - You've always been interested in politics, but it's hard to stay informed in a small town. Your job is to keep your township informed of National and International politics! Improve your charisma skill and remind your fellow Sims vote!
(§50 daily, WRFSa, 10 am - 2 pm)
II) Secretary - It's hard to argue small town politics when ranting and raving at your town commissioners. Help your mayor by recording the violent screams of rage behind closed doors.
(§200, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm)
III) Newsletter Writer - You're back to keeping the Neighborhood informed by writing weekly newsletters! The pay isn't any better than before, but you get first dibs on the juiciest gossip and scandals in town!
(§300, MTWRF, 9 am - 4 pm) (1 charisma, 1 creativity)
IV) Town Historian - You know so much about the town that the Mayor has entrusted you with the town history! Raid old archives and photos to write the town's thrilling (or boring) biography!
(§400, MTWRF, 9 am - 4 pm) (1 charisma, 1 creativity, 1 logic, 2 friends)
V) Township Clerk - Welcome to your first elected office! It's similar to your old job, but with a few more simoleans. Instead of finding history, you'll make it! It's your job to record births, deaths, marriages and divorces. Even with such a small town, you should increase your skills. You'll be busy in the future!
(§575, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm) (2 charisma, 2 creativity, 2 logic, 3 friends)
VI) Village Trustee - You're in a new position with new responsibilities! Your job is to make sure the small things are running well! Keep the potholes filled, create recreational areas, and keep a sharp eye on that budget. Increase your logic skills! You'll need them for your next position.
(§610, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm) (4 charisma, 2 creativity, 3 logic, 4 friends)
VII) Town Treasurer - The Almighty Simolean has spoken! As town treasurer, you guard the very minuscule riches of your township! Collect taxes, balance accounts and pay local officials! Be sure to leave a few funds for the local school!
(§679, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm) (5 charisma, 4 creativity, 4 logic, 5 friends)
VIII) Solicitor - You may or may not have a law degree, but that doesn't mean you don't know local law! The town has elected you to be legal advisor to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. Make sure your skills are sharp to keep up with this demanding position!
(§720, MTRFSa, 9 am - 5 pm) (7 charisma, 5 creativity, 7 logic, 5 friends)
IX) Commissioner - You're in a top spot now, but are you ready for what comes with it? Use your experience to handle policies, budgeting, local issues and various committees. You may want to increase your charisma and learn how to juggle. You'll need both skills to move forward!
(§845, TWRF, 10 am - 5 pm) (8 charisma, 5 creativity, 8 logic, 6 friends)
X) Mayor - The people have chosen and elected you as the Leader of their small community! It's time to make your little town the best it can be. Use your power wisely!
(§915, MTRF, 10 am - 5 pm) (10 charisma, 7 creativity, 9 logic, 8 friends)
(§50 daily, WRFSa, 10 am - 2 pm)
II) Secretary - It's hard to argue small town politics when ranting and raving at your town commissioners. Help your mayor by recording the violent screams of rage behind closed doors.
(§200, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm)
III) Newsletter Writer - You're back to keeping the Neighborhood informed by writing weekly newsletters! The pay isn't any better than before, but you get first dibs on the juiciest gossip and scandals in town!
(§300, MTWRF, 9 am - 4 pm) (1 charisma, 1 creativity)
IV) Town Historian - You know so much about the town that the Mayor has entrusted you with the town history! Raid old archives and photos to write the town's thrilling (or boring) biography!
(§400, MTWRF, 9 am - 4 pm) (1 charisma, 1 creativity, 1 logic, 2 friends)
V) Township Clerk - Welcome to your first elected office! It's similar to your old job, but with a few more simoleans. Instead of finding history, you'll make it! It's your job to record births, deaths, marriages and divorces. Even with such a small town, you should increase your skills. You'll be busy in the future!
(§575, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm) (2 charisma, 2 creativity, 2 logic, 3 friends)
VI) Village Trustee - You're in a new position with new responsibilities! Your job is to make sure the small things are running well! Keep the potholes filled, create recreational areas, and keep a sharp eye on that budget. Increase your logic skills! You'll need them for your next position.
(§610, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm) (4 charisma, 2 creativity, 3 logic, 4 friends)
VII) Town Treasurer - The Almighty Simolean has spoken! As town treasurer, you guard the very minuscule riches of your township! Collect taxes, balance accounts and pay local officials! Be sure to leave a few funds for the local school!
(§679, MTWRF, 9 am - 5 pm) (5 charisma, 4 creativity, 4 logic, 5 friends)
VIII) Solicitor - You may or may not have a law degree, but that doesn't mean you don't know local law! The town has elected you to be legal advisor to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners. Make sure your skills are sharp to keep up with this demanding position!
(§720, MTRFSa, 9 am - 5 pm) (7 charisma, 5 creativity, 7 logic, 5 friends)
IX) Commissioner - You're in a top spot now, but are you ready for what comes with it? Use your experience to handle policies, budgeting, local issues and various committees. You may want to increase your charisma and learn how to juggle. You'll need both skills to move forward!
(§845, TWRF, 10 am - 5 pm) (8 charisma, 5 creativity, 8 logic, 6 friends)
X) Mayor - The people have chosen and elected you as the Leader of their small community! It's time to make your little town the best it can be. Use your power wisely!
(§915, MTRF, 10 am - 5 pm) (10 charisma, 7 creativity, 9 logic, 8 friends)
I didn't bother attaching certain outfits. It's a small town. Why can't the mayor go to work in T-shirt and jeans?
Unfortunately, there is no teen/elder version. There is also no career reward attached to this career.
Again, this is not a default replacement. It's EP ready. It also has it's own guid and won't overwrite other careers. If you have any issues with this career, please let me know.
Major thanks to Emma_Barrett and her wonderful career tutorial for beginners.
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Uploaded: 2nd Apr 2016, 20.4 KB.
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