Ancient World: Rome - Forum Romanum

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Project Ancient World
I have started a big project: The Ancient World.
The project is a multipart download and includes
-The Gate of Ishtar in Babylon
-The hanging gardens of Babylon
-The Lighthouse of Alexandria
-The Mausoleum
-The Temple of Artemis
-Roman Insulea
-The Pantheon
-The Roman Forum
- A Roman Domus
- And much more
With time, all the lots will be available at ModTheSims2.

Forum Romanum (History)
The Roman Forum (Forum Romanum) was the political and economical centre of Rome during the Republic.
The importance of the Forum area is indicated by the presence of many of the central political, religious and judicial buildings in Rome.

The Regia was the residence of the kings, and later of the pontifex maximus;
the Curia, was the meeting place of the Senate;
and the Comitium and the Rostra, where public meetings were held.
Major temples and sanctuaries in the Forum include the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the Temple of Saturn and the Temple of Vesta.
Commercial and judicial activities took place in the basilicas, the two remaining are the Basilica Aemilia and the Basilica Julia.


About this Lot
My reconstruction of the forum contains:
- Temple of Vespasians
- Temple of Concordiae
- Basilica Iulia
- Temple of Castor andPollux
- Temple of Vesta
- Temple of Caesar

You need to download the following:
- my recolored columns
- my additional floors for naboo palace
- my basic marble wall and floor set
- my basic marble set
- my mosaic for naboo palace

I have used the cheats
"boolprop constrainfloorelevation false"
"movesobjects on".


Lot Size: 5x6
Lot Price: 311448

Custom Content by Me:
- roman Senat Floor

Custom Content Included:
- marmor2s by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- Apollo Angelic by sgoobysnacks29
- Statue Of Athene (Left) by Sgoobysnacks29
- Statue Of Athene (Right) by Sgoobysnacks29
- Manor House Garden Tall Tower Topiary by phoenix_phaerie
- Statley Lion by gromit
- Statley Lion by gromit
- marmor3s by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- marmorxx by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- Ancient Column-head Table by Dincer --> Objects --> Anatolian Civilizations
- Venus Sculpture by Dincer --> Objects --> Anatolian Civilizations
- marmorrom by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- Roman Floor by Blueberry11
- flora6 by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romanarch by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romancolumnbig by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romancolumnbig by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romancolumnsmall by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romancolumnsmall by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romancolumnsmall by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romanfence by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romanwindowsmall3 by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romanwindowsmall3 by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- romanwindow by Tarox --> Häuser --> Villa Cicero
- Mini-Pediment in Stucco by macarossi
- Roman Walls by Blueberry
- Roman Walls by Blueberry
- Roman Walls by Blueberry
- Roman Walls by Blueberry
- Roman Walls by Blueberry
- Roman Walls by Blueberry
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