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#1 Old 27th Jun 2010 at 4:05 PM Last edited by joninmobile : 16th Jul 2010 at 4:48 AM.
Default Modding Disasters For The Sims 2!
Over in The Sims 3 modding discussion forum there is an area for Modding Disasters! to showcase your modding/meshing fails, I figure there are plenty of borked things that can happen in TS2 if you don't do it right that can be taken in a picture, so why not have a sims 2 area for it too! I'll start with my attempt at a replacement NPC male maid.

I don't know what I did wrong, but his head was cut off, and his arms were outstretched, he used an "invisible" arm to clean with, and he didn't walk, he just sort of glided across the ground, it was so funny! I did want him to be shirtless though, that was the whole point.

Since mts doesn't allow double posting, I'm editing this to include another modding disaster. Come on guys, I know you have some! Let's see some of yours too!

This is what happens when you try to make multiple serving bowl(s)

#2 Old 16th Aug 2010 at 2:25 AM Last edited by levini : 16th Aug 2010 at 8:21 PM.
This is what i got when i extracted some pillows and placed them near a sim

and when i extracted a Testing cheat item and tried interactions with it (It kinda looks like they're trying to dance Like MJ but they arent doing it right)

here is what they're supposed to do
1. Spin once
2. Grab crotch while standing on tippy toes
3. Yell "WEE-HEE" really loud
4. Moonwalk out of the house

What kind of Sim loves like this?
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