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Hi all! ~

It's nice to upload another house.
I worked on this one for quite a long time.
I started building it in August 2010, worked on it for months, then I had lay it to rest for a while and then, I continued on building.

And now that it's finished, I'm ready to share it with the world.


It's a huge house, yes. I know. But it's marvelous. And unique. And it's surrealistic, but yet it has a very realistic interior.
I named it the Propellah because at the beginning, it was shaped like a propeller. Actually it still is, if you look at it from the top.
The house has everything your sims need (except a garage).

There's also an area of the house fit for a child, but if your sims don't have or want children, and if they require some space for their hobbies, feel free to get rid of the furniture located in the child's room and living room and create your own room. I also have provided free space on the roof.

If you'd like to see more screenshots from the house, then please scroll down to the bottom of this page where I have provided a list of links. The images in those links are hosted at

Now, let's start with the details, shall we?

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Ground floor
1. Pond

First floor
2. Office
3. Child's bedroom
4. Child's hallway

Second floor
5. Small library
6. Master living room
7. Master bathroom
8. Child's living room
9. Child's bathroom

Third floor
10. Entrance
11. Kitchen
12. Laundry room
13. Main hallway
14. Toilet
15. Musical room
16. Master bedroom

Rooftop areas
17. Barbecue area
18. Relaxation area
19. Garden area
20. Extra area

NOTE: by the advice of QBUILDERZ, I did not label any screenshot from any floor with numbers or letters. This is because it would otherwise cover some important details.
In any case, I gave each screenshot (see the screenshots section at the bottom of this page) a title with the name of the floor, so you can still compare them with the lists I mentioned above.

All the furnished rooms are fully accessible.
The empty rooms (the separated part in the entrance and the rooms with diagonal walls) are not accessible.

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Lot information

Lot size: 40x40
Furnished: §234.840
Unfurnished: §133.451

I advise you to let your sims buy the house furnished, otherwise a lot of my nifty interior architecture is lost…

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Game information

The following expansions are required:
- World Adventures
- Ambitions
- Late Night

The following stuff packs are required:
- High-End Loft Stuff (in Europe: Design & Hi-Tech Stuff)
- Fast Lane Stuff

Game version:

I'm sorry if you like the house but don't have the required expansion or stuff packs installed.

But: you can attempt to download the house when you have at least the World Adventures and Late Night expansions. Keep in mind that the items that came from other expansions or stuff packs will not be included (and will be replaced by default EA-objects), so the interior will not be the same as in the screenshots shown here.


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* Ceiling Halogen Spot by Odysseus1960
* Closed Window 07 by Simpossible
It's the counter-height windows, download the package titled "4 NEW OPENED WINDOWS"
* Kitchen Accessory by Sims3D
It's the thingy above the oven in the kitchen. Download the 'Emilia' set, and install only the "sims3d-emilia-chamine sims3pack".
* Fresh Living Room Sofa by Simpossible
Download the 'FRESH' outdoor set, and install only the "Simpossible_FreshLivingRoomSofa.package".
* Air Outdoor Sofa by Simpossible
Download the 'AIR' outdoors et, and install only the "Simpossible_AirOutdoorSofa.package".
* Classic Outdoor Furniture by Lisen801
* World Map by Simpossible


* Love to Love You Love-lounge – 100 SimPoints
* Dreams of the Lotus Eaters – 25 SimPoints
* Fairy Vine Wall Sculpture – 25 SimPoints
* Haute Hip Dining Chair - 75 SimPoints
* Haute Hip Double Bed - 100 SimPoints
* Lovely Wall Mirror – 75 SimPoints
* Potted Orchids Divine – 25 SimPoints
* Potted Bamboo Glory – 25 SimPoints
* Reach for the Heavens – 25 SimPoints
* Haute Hip Floral Painting – 25 SimPoints
* Woven Wicker Baskets – 25 SimPoints
* Seaside Carved Rack – 25 SimPoints
* Loitering Luggage – 25 SimPoints
* Cloud 9 Counters – 50 SimPoints
* Sanctuary Sofa – 100 SimPoints
* Haute Wall Clock – 25 SimPoints
* Wall of Greats – 25 SimPoints

This makes a total of 750 SimPoints.

Please do note that you're not obliged to buy and download any of the store objects listed above.
If you don't have some or all store objects that I listed, then the missing object(s) will be replaced in the house by EA default object(s).


* Wings of Kalliopi - Free
* Cherub Kalliopi – Free
* Earth Day - Free


Note that these aren't required, but come in handy when playing with the house.

No Drift/Low Level Free Cam Camera Mod (updated for Late Night)

Camera mod: this is a mod that works in Cameraman mode only. Very handy. Why, you ask?
Because when you don't have a camera mod, the house will tend to have it's own will. You want to view a room, but suddenly the camera lowers? You wish to zoom in, but then you're all of a sudden outside of the room? Well then, use the camera mod listed above to comfortably play with the house and the inhabiting sims.

For the rest, the house has been checked with CUSTARD, no glitches or attached unwanted packages found.

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Important additional information

Please be aware that when you open these spoilers, the page will suddenly grow longer. Really.
Luckily for you, I separated each list I made (oh I LOVE making lists! :3) and kept them in a separate spoiler. So pick the spoilers you'd like to read, be amazed by the length of them and then continue on reading the rest (well not really, after these spoilers there's only a bunch of cheats I used and a word of saying 'thanks for your visit and download' and such but meh..).

So. Might be interesting.

With this said, I'm done talking about the house. :3 Now go ahead, look at the screenshots, and download the lot! It's the only reason that you've been scrolling down this much! ^^

And as usual: if you find any glitches, then please let me know.

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Cheats I've used

I would also like to say that I used some cheats while creating this house.
I used the following cheats:
- testingCheatsEnabled
- constrainFloorElevation
- moveObjects
- disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt
- buydebug

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Special thanks go to...

- for the advice about hosting extra pictures of the house on
- for reminding me about the maximum amount of images that are allowed in a post
- for the advice about floorplans, and that I should not label them

* Delphy:
- for having created a wonderful program named CUSTARD (Clean Up Sims3Packs Today! Also Raises Dead) that allowed me to poke inside the sims3pack of the house.

* zera0820:
- for notifying me about the fact that the house can actually be downloaded and installed properly without having all the expansion packs and stuff packs (read the 'Game information' section above for more information).

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List of additional screenshots: exterior screenshots

* Relax area - pond
* BBQ area - rooftop
* Relax area - rooftop
* Exterior picture 1
* Exterior picture 2
* Exterior picture 3
* Exterior picture 4
* Exterior picture 5
* Exterior picture 6
* Exterior picture 7
* Exterior picture 8

List of additional screenshots: interior screenshots

* Office
* Kitchen
* Musical room picture 1
* Musical room picture 2
* Master living room
* Master bathroom picture 1
* Master bathroom picture 2
* Library picture 1
* Library picture 2
* Child's room

List of additional screenshots: detailed room screenshots

* Relaxation area - pond
* Relaxation area - rooftop
* Barbecue area - rooftop
* Garden area - rooftop
* Extra area - rooftop
* Master living room and master bathroom
* Child's bedroom, hallway and terrace
* Child's bathroom and living room
* Master bedroom and terrace
* Kitchen and laundry room
* Small library and terrace
* Hallway and toilet
* Musical room
* Entrance
* Office

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The end

Thank you for taking the time to look at this house, and in case you downloaded it, thank you for downloading. :3
Please leave a comment on what you think of the house!
Also don't forget to press the thanks button. ~.~

That's all I have to say. Now shoo, download the house, say thanks, and go check it out in-game! :3

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Lot Size: 4x4
Lot Price: 234840
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