More One-button Suit Recolors (w/ Pocket Squares)
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-53-49-93.jpg - width=1280 height=800
Brown coat with light brown collar and pants, pale blue shirt, and dark blue tie and pocket square.
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-54-17-87.jpg - width=1280 height=800
Brown coat with tan collar and pants, pale pink shirt, two-tone blue tie and light blue pocket square.
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-54-22-78.jpg - width=1280 height=800
Light blue coat with dark blue collar and pants, white shirt, light lavender-ish tie and pocket square.
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-54-36-20.jpg - width=1280 height=800
Dark blue/purple coat with grey pocket and collar lining, white shirt, striped gold tie and plain gold pocket square.
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-55-00-85.jpg - width=1280 height=800
Black coat with grey collar and pocket lining, mint green shirt, green paisley/patterned tie, emerald green pocket square.
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-57-00-76.jpg - width=1280 height=800
The whole bunch.
Sims2EP9 2012-05-02 15-57-07-75.jpg - width=1280 height=800
And again.
Note: I'm essentially fashion-retarded. I have several more designs that I'd like to work on a bit more, but I'd appreciate any advice on good matches for ties and suits -- especially multicolored suits like the ones I've already uploaded. Not that there's anything wrong with solid suits without lining and different-hued collars, but fanseelamb already has some great ones up.
Additional Credits: for suit ideas. for ideas on how to use ties.
One-button Suits.rar
| All the suits.
Uploaded: 15th May 2012, 2.15 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
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by Faylen 25th Mar 2006 at 4:25am
+2 packs
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