Domestic Service Career 8/30 **UPDATE**
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I know there is already a domestic service career here, but I wanted mine to serve those that play historical neighborhoods. Thankfully, this career will fit in with just about any time period from Medieval to Edwardian. This works well for single sims, or sims that choose to start a family later on in life. Many families sent their younger children into service because they knew it was a better alternative than other jobs- service usually came with food and a roof over one's head. Not everyone can afford to begin a family, and not everyone has the resources available to start up their own business in my hood.
The creation of this career took me a long time because males and females have very different occupations. Although the position of Hall Boy/Scullery Maids were traditionally reserved for younger folks, this career is for adults only.
Here are the descriptions for male and female:
Level 1:
Hall Boy:Emptying chamber pots, polishing boots, and scrubbing latrines is the harsh reality of your job. If you thought you had a weak stomach, better pinch your nostrils and learn to tolerate the nasty. You're at the very bottom and you answer to anyone and everyone, so make a good impression. There really is no where to go but up.
Scullery Maid:The hours are long and the work is that which nobody else wants to do. Most days you are up to your elbows in greasy dishes, or cleaning the kitchen that never seems to stay clean for very long. Yet you have to start somewhere, and this is the very bottom. Work hard and fast, and perhaps you will be able to get noticed by someone other than the rats.
Level 2:
Knave: Odd jobs and gruntwork that requires a strong hand commonly get assigned to you.This job has you running around the manor constantly, and you never know where you will be next. The only upside to this job is that you are sometimes required to travel short distances, and it's nice to exercise your legs. Keep doing your work with a smile and perhaps someone, someday, will take notice of you.
Kitchen Maid: Kitchen Maid isn't much different from being a scullery maid, except that you don't have to do the dishes as often. However, it's thankless, greasy, smelly work that nobody wishes to do. But keep doing it with a smile and perhaps someone, someday, will take notice of you.
Level 3:
Under Footman:
Although you are still at the bottom of the servant heiarchy, being a footman gives you are chance to polish your skills and take on more important work.You get to wear a dashing new uniform, which means you are now a representative of the Manor, and people treat you with more respect. Continue developing your charisma skills if you want to make First Footman.
Laundress:Clothing is expensive, and those that can afford it wear it proudly. Your job is to see to the clothing of your Lady and Lord, and make sure that they are able to wear it with all the pride and pomp afforded to their station in life. A respectable endeavor, yes? Pay goes up slightly, but the work is as hard as ever. Build up your charisma if you want to get noticed by your Lady.
Level 4:
First Footman:So much work to do, and it never ends. Washing, scrubbing, mending, dusting, polishing and tending are the mainstays of your day. The hours aren't so bad, but you soon realize that you are invisible to anyone that doesn't wish to see you, and you must constantly answer to the Butler. If you want to move up, you must become more valuable to the family than you currently are by developing your creativity.
Chambermaid: So much work to do, and it never ends. Washing, scrubbing, mending, dusting, polishing and tending are the mainstays of your day. The hours aren't so bad, but you soon realize that you are invisible to anyone that doesn't wish to see you, and you must constantly answer to the Housekeeper. If you want to move up, you must become more valuable to the family than you currently are by developing your creativity.
Level 5:
Gardener: You are now lucky enough to tend to the family's private garden, where more exotic and expensive spices and herbs are grown. This position requires a steady hand and a basic knowledge of horticulture, plus a keen eye for pretty arrangements of flowers and shrubs. Keep developing your creativity if you want to impress.
Level 6:
Groundskeeper:Instead of just tending to the garden, you now see to the entire grounds- a big job that requires creativity and an eye for detail. You must make improvements, keep track of profits, and manage the lower gardeners. Luckily for you the staff respects you, and so does your Lord. Keep trying to earn his respect, and better things will come.
Nursemaid: It requires a certain amount of grace and delicacy to tend to little ones, qualities your employers believe you possess.You handle the grunt work the governess is not fit to do: tending, washing, feeding, and caring for the needs of small children. This position requires you to always be on your toes, but luckily for you your Lady trusts you. Keep polishing your creativity and charisma skills, you will need them to gain her confidence.
Level 7:
Valet and Lady's Maid: (Description is just about the same) After working for a long time in the outdoors, you are now indoors in a position of far greater influence. While dressing and tending to his Lordship, you begin an intimate friendship. By now, you are a wealth of domestic knowledge and your Lord not only seeks your advice, but trusts your guidance as well. A knowledge of the latest fashions at court and within the country nobility will help you earn the praise of your Lord, and the praise of other nobility. Keep studying and developing your creative side- you never know when your Lord will want to change his image!
Level 8:
Butler: This position requires the ability to read, write, and keep track of daily expenses. You manage the staff beneath you, and see to it that meals are on time, servants are tending to their duties, and that it all goes off smoothly. More responsibility, but you enjoy being depended on by his Lordship and looked up to by the staff.
Governess: This position requires the ability to read, write, and provide a very basic education to the wee ones. You also teach the simple domestic arts-needlework, spinning, brewing, and other skills required by everyone. A position of respect that requires you to sometimes do some quick thinking, as your charges try to get away with as much as they possibly can. Sometimes you feel like a whipping boy, but you finally get a place at the table along with the family, and are treated like a member.
Level 9:
Reeve: The peasants and your Lord all agree- you are the best man to manage the estate. You get to sleep in each morning and work shorter hours. You also do less hard labor and more management ensuring that the manor's daily activities run smoothly and properly. Finally, you get to relax and enjoy the benefits of being a faithful servant.
Housekeeper: You have arrived! Nobody can command you except your employers now, and they treat you with the utmost kindness and respect. You get to sleep in each morning and work shorter hours. You also do less hard labor and more management, ensuring that the household's daily activities run smoothly and properly. Finally, you get to relax and enjoy the benefits of being a faithful servant.
Level 10:
Steward:As a representative of your noble family, you are now considered too wise and too valuable to his Lordship, and the value and faith he has placed in you is unmatched. Your main responsibilities include watching and managing everyone and everything while your Lord is away. Balancing estate accounts and making sure they come out favorably can be a demanding job, but you always find a way to make your Lord happy. Nothing escapes your eye, and you are well rewarded. Enjoy your rise to the ranks of a gentleman!
Lady's Companion: As a representative of your noble family, you are now considered too wise and too valuable to her Ladyship- she needs you around almost all the time. Your role is to listen mostly, and be a companion and chaperone to not only her Ladyship, but the younger ladies in the household. You help to arrange social gatherings, disperse alms, and act as the eyes and ears of your employer. Nothing escapes your eye, even after a heavy night of feasting and drinking. Enjoy your rise to the ranks of a gentlewoman!
Hours are pretty realistic, with most shifts being 9 hours and Sunday is the only day of the week that most servants get time off to themselves. In real life servants hardly ever got time off to themselves and lived at their place of employ, but this is the sims, right? I tried to find a compromise. Wages are rather low until you get to the top 4 careers, but like other Maxis careers, these all have chance cards which are historically accurate, and some will help your sims along. Enjoy!

Additional Credits:
Special thanks to my friend Morganna (of the Plum Bob Keep) for helping me with the icon, which I was having trouble getting connected to the career itself.
Domestic Service
| Historical Domestic Service Career
Uploaded: 30th Aug 2012, 24.2 KB.
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Updated: 30th Aug 2012 at 10:41 PM
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