Trio of Blue Eyes
triofblue.JPG - width=782 height=358
Because of the fact that I have been getting a lot of requests for blue eyes, I decided to create a couple of different blue eye colors. There's Azura, the beautiful turquoise. And then there's True Blue, a color that most people think of when they say blue. Lastly, my favorite, Brise de Mer, which translates to Sea Breeze in French (I'm fluent and I was feeling creative today LOL!). These three were all made with *loving* care in my paint program, and they were all basically done the same. Once again, as my loyal fans could probably tell (haha

And, as always, PM me if you have an eye color request or any problems with the eyes. I'm all for requests! Then I know I'm doing what the *people* want

:smash: Please do not redistribute/post in any website without my permission. Thanks!
Uploaded: 19th Mar 2005, 39.4 KB.
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Updated: 1st Nov 2008 at 10:18 PM by Crazyfoolgaf
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