The Legend Of Zelda - The Minish Cap - Vaati
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Hello everyone Simdrew1993 here

Here today I present to you The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap's Main Antagonist Vaati as a Sim. I tried my absolute best to get him to be as accurate as possible, and in my mind he's as close as I'm gonna get for a sim. If the character were a Sim this is exactly how he'd look. Many of my followers love him on my other sites so maybe you all would here as well... As you can see I put a lot of detail into making him.

One picture is worth a thousand words right? So several must be worth millions of words lol. Large Images shown are due to the courtesy of PhotoBucket, Thank You.
Please take a look at all the images for the sim, I uploaded me best pics. If you've downloaded my Ganondorf sim then be sure to give him a friend. Consider Downloading Vaati as well.
I also recommend Prince-Stephen's Lord Ghirahim Sim:
Also if you're looking to add a little more evil to your game,

6 Simmers have downloaded him already on my sites but that was only until I had a download for Vaati up on here now, nobody finds my work that often on my other sites so that's why I decided I need MTS help, Google and Bing take a long while usually months before my downloads or pictures show on their engine. But with ModTheSims help I will change that!
My Positive Endorsements:
Procar of Deviant Art: huhuhu I love Vaati, X3
darklibralink of Deviant Art: that is a very awesome sim owo
luvcatz94 of Deviant Art: OMG!!! He looks amazing! Normally I'm not a fan of this villain, but he's perfect! I look forward to when Vaati, Link and Midna are up for download! I just really love your works!!!!
Prince-Stephen of Deviant Art: Ho yay, you finally made him! He looks great in my opinion! Good job!

Procar of Deviant Art: cool badass....XD
Prince Stephen of Deviant Art: Good job! If I was still playing the Sims 2, I would download him right away!
illiarovanna of Deviant Art: HE LOOKS JUST LIKE I IMAGINED HIM.
Awesome job, Simdrew!
MadamMayh3m of Deviant Art: Ooh, looks good!
Procar of Deviant Art: woaoh, you have the Din's power! XD
That's all for my Endorsements. Thanks guys! Means alot ^_^
Vaati is an evil sorcerer often known as the Wind Mage, he is extremely powerful he can turn people to stone, create tornadoes and wreak all kinds of havoc. He also has the ability to even possess someone and become them. Another dark power he has is he can curse something and change it from good to evil, in the the Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap he possessed the Hyrule King and ordered all of the kings knights to do his bidding or else they would be executed, later on Vaati shrouded the inside of Hyrule Castle with darkness, thus deforming it into Dark Hyrule Castle. Vaati was once a creature known as the Picori or the Minish, rumor has it that the Minish race (Picori) can only be seen by small children, they are of a peaceful tiny plant people race, he was an apprentice to his master Ezlo who was also a Minish, Ezlo was going to present the humans with a gift, Since the portal between Hyrule and the Minish World was about to open, Ezlo created a gift for the humans. He fashioned a magical cap that was able to grant the wishes of those who would wear it . A cap that had the ability to grant anyone's wish's, Vaati saw this and sought the opportunity to take it, soon after he put on the magical cap.... Vaati became an evil sorcerer with great power! He placed a dark curse on Ezlo changing his form into that of a cap which also resembled a bird, after he betrayed his master he learned to hone his newfound dark powers, he was always fascinated by the evil within the hearts of man, he admired this evil greatly! Vaati took on the form of a Hylian with his new acquired dangerous powers. Soon enough he ventured off to Hyrule Castle because he learned of a strong power known as the Light Force, a relic said to be the source of unlimited power. At the time Hyrule was having an annual festival known as the Picori festival, where Hyrule's greatest swordsman test their skills to see who is the fiercest warrior, the winner chosen would be allowed to touch the sacred sword known as the Picori Blade, there was also a treasure chest which the Picori blade was keeping a seal on, Vaati strongly believed that this chest had the Ancient relic of light within it. So Vaati entered the competition, not long after he wins most likely due to his magic. He then blows away all the guards with his powers then destroys the sacred sword which releases the seal opening the chest, everyone tries to stop him but he is just too powerful, The chest then releases 100's of demons that had once plagued Hyrule in the past. Disappointed by not finding the Light force Vaati leaves the scene, but thinking Princess Zelda may end up possibly being a nuisance later perhaps interfering with his plans he turns her to stone.

You can learn more about Vaati here in the links below:
If you'd like to hear his theme songs then here ya go:
Vaati's Theme:
Vaati's Wrath:
Dark Hyrule Castle:
And Remix's:
Dark Hyrule Castle remix: This one is available for download by the creator via the description.
Dark Hyrule Castle: This one is also available for download by the creator.
Vaati Battle: Download available by the creator.
Vaati's Fury Download available by the creator.
And many more here for free via newgrounds: And here:
You could download them, many are free and then put them in your game, place in documents EA Games/Sims 2/Music/Folder of your preference, then in game just create a custom radio station, and add all the songs in and call it Vaati, that way when you play as him it will feel just as sinister as the boss fight, it will carry the emotion over to sims, the feeling you get when playing Zelda

I created the eyes, I drew the textures but had used the base template from one of Dragonmandy's set of eyes...I forgot to edit that out apparently as well as forgot to leave my signature, even though I didn't use her textures in the end, I created my own entirely. The only part of her textures that are still in the BMP is the eyelids in the image and her signature, oh well. Even though the eyes were made entirely by me I will still release a link to dragonmandy's page just because of the simple mistake. That and her eyes are good so why not lol:
I believe the skin was originally made by Astiees here on MTS, although I'm not entirely sure... I might have created it from scratch myself, I made the new skin though...Everything I use I heavily modify so whatever the skin used to be is long gone and dead probably scraped, I give textures new life and remove everything from previous creation, I create new textures entirely out of the old.
I created new eyekit layerable effects for the sim to have better accuracy to the character.
A creator by the name of supersimmer who was once a member here on MTS made the Eyeliner, it was part of a set called Victoria but this creator as well as their work no longer exist.
Another creator by the name of Vxen who hosted free downloads of makeup and other sorts of the genre created the Eyeshadow I used, it was all hosted on a site called SimsOverdrive, although she no longer exists nor does her work, the site has probably been closed for several years... her work can be found on the The Sims 2 Graveyard now, a site that host's files for creators that are no longer active or cease to exist for the matter.
I also created a scar for him. I recolored his tunic and hat. He is widely popular on my other sites so I hope that all of you will enjoy him, as you can see I put alot of work into making him!

I've been told I'm the best of the best at what I do, I will not confirm that cause I'm sure there are those better than even myself but I appreciate the modesty. As for the sim I made of Vaati You may use him in your Movies, Pics, Stories, whatever you want! Please try to credit me if you use my work though, ok.
Here in these links you can follow me on my sites if you want, helps a ton. Thanks in advance!

Have fun and Enjoy!
Custom Content by Me:
- Vaati Face Package file
- Vaati's Eyes - Simdrew1993
- White Sclera for Big Eyes - Simdrew1993
- Small Pupils by Simdrew1993
- Vaati's Cape - Simdrew1993
- Makeup - Vampire Fangs
- Vaati Hat - Simdrew1993
- Vaati's Scar - Simdrew1993
- Vaati Skin - Simdrew1993
- Vaati Hair - Simdrew1993
- Vaati Outfit - Simdrew1993
Custom Content Included:
- eyekit-reflection-1.package by sugarandcaffeine by sugarandcaffeine
- Makeup - Eyeshadow By Vxen by Vxen
- Makeup - Eyeliner by supersimmer
- ShadyLady482's Long Nails: Black by shadylady482
- Layerable Natural Teeth 1 by alkaloid by alkaloid
Additional Credits:
Additional credit goes to Prince-Stephen of Deviant Art for helping me find the right tunic mesh for my sim. And credit to everyone else who's custom content helped to finished the job, couldn't have done it without you all, well maybe I could have but that would have been a heck of a lot harder. So Thanks!
Vaati - By
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2014, 3.57 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Hooded Cloak by generalzoi |
Link from Legend of Zelda by tommytiger |
New Nail Polish Mesh for LONG Nails + 12 Recolors by shadylady482 |
SimCribbling ~ Straight Silky Long Hairs for Male (mesh modified: 8th Jan.) by Ren |
Russian Viking Style Tunic-New Mesh and Four Textures by iamliz13 |
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26 73.3k 15
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12 23.1k
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89 106.5k 72
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103 109.3k 60
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+2 packs
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17 9.9k 5
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3 8.7k 1
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21 55.3k 15
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Additional Armor recolors of Ganondorf's Standard Black armor, comes with red,Blue,Green and Purple and capes to match. more...
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In the Future Technology will evolve and many governments will enforce law agency's to wear this Future Knight Armor!!! more...
+1 packs
Open for Business
Male » Mixed Sets » Adult
About Me
Note: These links are not clickable so you will need to cut/copy and paste in your Address Bar
Here are a few pics of me:
Usually the website I am most active and can be found on is deviantART: I always post my Sim projects on there before anywhere else.
I can also be found on my YouTube where I make,Voice acting Videos of some of my work. Perfect Dark N64 Glitch Videos, And The Legend of Zelda Sims 2 movies and Sim project videos. Here is my YouTube:
Please don't claim my work as your own.
You may use my creations in your movies, pictures or anything else as well, just add my name to your credits or in text put Simdrew1993 and please add a link to my profile if you can, would be appreciated, Thank You.
Absolutely do not re-upload my work anywhere else! I already have numerous Sim accounts across the web and if I want my work anywhere else I will put it there myself! I will allow recolors of my work though, but you must ask me first.
And if you'd like you can view my voice acting work under my guestbook, the links are there.